Bryan-Bennett Library

Bryan-Bennett Library Board News

Bryan-Bennett Library Trustees are volunteers and are appointed by the Salem Mayor, with the approval of the City Council. Trustees serve three-year terms. The Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees may be contacted through Library Director Kim Keller. The Board meets on the third Tuesday of a month at 6:30 p.m. at the Library, January through November.

Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees

Gary Hahn
Current Term:
2024 - 2027
First Appointed:
November 2020
Kasey Angeloni
Completing Unexpired Term: 2024-2025
First Appointed:
May 2024
Jennifer Dice
Current Term: 2022-2025
First Appointed: 
May 2022
Gayla Wilkerson
Current Term:
2023 - 2026
First Appointed:
March 2017

Lynn Larimer
Ethics Officer
Current Term:
First Appointed:
May 2017
Mark Decker
Current Term:
2023 -2026
First Appointed:
May 2023
Erica Nix
Current Term:
2024 -2027
First Appointed:
May 2024

Marilyn Lewis
Current Term:
2024 - 2027
First Appointed:
August 2023
Brenda Conrad
Current Term:
Unexpired Term 2024 -2025
First Appointed:
June 2024