Interlibrary Loan Request
With this form you can request a book from another library.
Interlibrary Loan Policy
- A maximum of 5 requests at any time. A request is considered active from the time it is initiated until three days after the material is returned.
- The library is unable to borrow items published in the current calendar year.
- The library is unable to borrow bound periodicals (magazines), but will request photocopies on microfilm.
- ILL cannot borrow items printed before 1800. We will try to borrow these materials in reprint or microform, if available.
- Patrons owing fines of $5.00 or more and/or lost materials may not request interlibrary loans until the fines have been reduced, a payment plan is in place, and/or the lost materials are cleared. The library will not process ILL requests for patrons with overdue ILL materials.
- I understand materials must be returned by their due date to avoid late charges and that interlibrary loan items are not renewable.
- The library will request spoken word audio, including language instruction on tape or CD.
- Copyright laws apply to all interlibrary loans.
New Fee Policy
- Postage Fees: There will be a minimum charge of $10.00 for each item shipped via the US Postal Service. Any additional postage charges will also be passed on to the patron.
- Lending Library Fees: The library will always try to borrow items from libraries that lend free of charge. If a free source is not available, the patron will be required to pay the charges. The patron will be notified and given opportunity to decline the requested materials and the lending library fees.
- There will be no postage charge for items borrowed from libraries that participate in the Illinois Heartland Library System (member courier service). We will make every effort to interlibrary loan requested items from a library within the Illinois Heartland Library System.