Bryan-Bennett Library

May 21, 2024, Full Board Meeting

Agenda Regular Board Meeting

Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting

May 21, 2024 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call of Trustees
  3. Reorganization of Board for Fiscal Year 2025
    1. Appointment of Board Officers for Fiscal Year 2025
    2. Appointment of Bank Signatories
  4. Public Comment
  5. Secretary’s Report
    1. Approval of April 16, 2024, Regular Board Meeting Minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Payment of April 2024 Addendum Bills
    2. Payment of May 2024 Bills
    3. Financial Report for May 2024
    4. Asset Report, Memorial Fund Report, Donations Report and Activity by Month Report for May 2024
  7. Friends of the Library Update
  8. Committee Reports
    1. Finance
    2. Policy
    3. Personnel
    4. Building and Grounds
  9. New Business
    1. Purchase of Room Dividers for Davenport Room
    2. Annual vote to offer a Non-Resident Bryan-Bennett Library Card
    3. Donation of William Jennings Bryan Statute
    4. Fine Forgiveness Month in June Forgive
    5. Reconsider Kids Care Card income restriction
    6. Director’s Presentation of Annual Report
  10. Unfinished Business
    1. William Jennings Bryan Festival Update
    2. Update Strategic Development Plan
    3. Update Technology Plan
    4. Planetarium Experience Wrap Up
  11. Director’s Report
  12. Board Members’ Reports
  13. Adjournment