July 1, 2021, Personnel Committee Minutes
Bryan-Bennett Library Board Personnel Committee Meeting
July 1, 2021, 1 p.m. in the Large Meeting Room
Call to Order: Committee Chairperson Joyce Raver called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
Silent Roll Call of Trustees. Present were: Committee Chairperson Joyce Raver, Committee members Jack McGuire and Ann Wilzbach. Also present was Board President Jane Gaston and Board member Tom Champion. Also Present was Library Director Kim Keller.
Approval of Minutes Committee Open Session January 3, 2019. Motion by Mr. McGuire, second by Ms. Wilzbach to approve the minutes of the committee’s open session on January 3, 2019. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes, January 3, 2019, Personnel Committee Closed Session. Motion by Mr. McGuire, second by Ms. Wilzbach to approve the minutes of the committee’s closed session on January 3, 2019. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes, January 23, 2019, Personnel Committee Meeting. Motion by Mr. McGuire, second by Ms. Wilzbach to approve the minutes of the committee’s open session on January 23, 2019. Motion carried.
Board President Gaston asked the committee to approve the minutes for the July 1, 2021, meeting. Mr. McGuire moved to approve the committee’s minutes of the July 1, 2021, meet. Ms. Wilzbach seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Adjournment: The committee meeting was adjourned at 1:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by, Kim Keller