Bryan-Bennett Library

November 15, 2022


Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting

November 15, 2022, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call of Trustees
  3. Public Comment
  4. Secretary’s Report
    1. Approval of October 18, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Payment of November 2022 Bills
    2. Financial Report for November 2022
      1. Asset Report for November 2022
      2. Memorial Funds and Donations Report for November 2022
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Finance
    2. Policy
    3. Personnel
    4. Building and Grounds
      1. Roof Project
        1. Protocol/authorization of change orders for the Roof Replacement Project
        2. December meeting to pay bill
  7. New Business
    1. Staff Christmas – For several years, the Board has given gift cards to Library Staff. Last year, the Board gave staff, who had been at the Library more than 6 months, a $50 gift card each. Staff who were at the Library less than 6 months were given a $25 gift card each. (There are 5 staff who have been here more than 6 months. Two have been here less than 6 months.)
    2. Booher HVAC Proposal for Unit Damaged in Fire
    3. Solar Panels
  8. Unfinished Business
    1. Per Capita Grant Application Requirement to Review Serving Our Public 4.0 – Standards for Public Libraries
      1. Chapter 7: Collection Management
        1. Appendix H: Topics Recommended for Collection Management
        2. Appendix I: Collection Management Worksheet
      2. Chapter 9: Public Services: Reference and Reader’s Advisory Services
      3. Chapter 10: Programming
      4. Chapter 11: Youth/Young Adult Services
      5. Chapter 12: Technology
      6. Chapter 13: Marketing, Promotion, and Collaboration
  9. Director’s Report
  10. Board Members’ Reports
  11. Adjournment