March 17, 2020, Library Board Agenda
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
March 17, 2020, 6:30 p.m. at the Library
- Call to Order
- Roll Call of Trustees
- Public Comment
- Secretary’s Report
- Approval of February 18, 2020, Board Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Payment of March 2020 Bills
- Financial Report for March 2020
- Committee Reports
- Finance
- Policy
- Personnel
- Building and Grounds
- New Business
- Proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Budget
- Unfinished Business
- Director’s Report
- The tree west of the building frequently drops limbs. The Director has asked the Public Works Director to look at the tree and offer some ideas about what needs to be done to it.
- The Assistant Director’s printer is aging and the scanner has completely quit. The printer needs to be replaced.
- A home schooling parent has offered to teach a class on writing essays for grades 9 through 12. This would be open to the public. It would involve usage of a room. There are no funds for rental, as it would be offered with volunteer efforts.
- Board Members’ Reports
- Adjournment