August 21, 2023, Grounds Committee
Minutes, Ad hoc Grounds Committee, 10 a.m., Monday, August 21, 2023
1. Silent Roll Call at 10:05 a.m.
Present: Chairman Gary Hahn, committee members Trustee Mark Decker and Trustee-elect Marilyn Lewis. Volunteer Mike Lewis joined the meeting at 10:30 a.m. Also present was Library Director Kim Keller.
2. The group discussed the beds in the area of the flag pole and Library sign at the corner of Maple and Church Streets and the rocked beds on the southeast side of the Library building.
The committee decided to:
- Look into extending the rock bed on the east side of the building to a more natural end.
- Replace bad timbers in the border around the flag pole flower bed.
- Create a soil berm in the flag pole flower bed.
- Consider a solution to migrating rocks around the green bench on the east side.
- Paint or stain timbers around flowers beds.
- Mrs. Lewis will contact a representative of Wernsman’s Nursery and Landscaping for ideas about plants in the flag pole bed and the roses by the flag pole.
- Mr. Hahn will check on prices of landscape timbers.
- Mr. Hahn will contact City Manager Rex Barbee or Public Works Director Annette Sola to get the City to bring a scoop or two of top soil for the berm.
- Mr. Decker will check on getting a new flag and a new rope.
The committee will meet again on September 12 at 9 a.m.
3. Approval of meeting August 21, 2023, minutes. Motion by Mr. Decker, with a second by Mr. Hahn, to approve minutes of the August 21, 2023, meeting. All present approved. Motion carried.
4. Adjournment
Mr. Hahn adjourned the meeting at 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Kim Keller, Library Director