July 16, 2024
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
June 18, 2024, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room
Call to Order, Roll Call of Trustees
Bryan-Bennett Library Board President Gary Hahn called the June 18, 2024, meeting of the Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:33 p.m. Trustees answering the roll call were: Marilyn Lewis, Erica Nix, Kasey Angeloni, Gayla Wilkerson, Mark Decker, and Lynn Larimer. Trustee absent was Jennifer Dice. Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle were also present. (Trustee Brad Crow resigned after the May 2024 meeting.)
Board meeting was paused at 6:40 p.m. while a small reception was held for former board member Joyce Raver. The Board and Library staff thanked her for her many years of service with a gift and refreshments. Meeting continued at 6:50 p.m.
Public Comment
Friends of Bryan-Bennett Library President Laura Crain shared that they received a large donation of history books. She mentioned that anyone was welcome to share and find homes for these items.
Secretary’s Report
Approval of the May 21, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes
Board members looked over a draft of the May 21, 2024, minutes. A mistake in spelling was found and was to be corrected. Trustee Wilkerson made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction noted. Trustee Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. All present trustees voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Payment of June 2024 Bills
Board members looked over the June 2024 bills list. Trustee Decker moved to approve the list, totaling $15,555.00. Trustee Nix seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Financial Report for June 2024
The Board looked over the Financial Report for June 2024. Trustee Decker moved to approve the Financial Report. Trustee Larimer seconded. Roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Asset, Memorial Fund, and Donations Reports for June 2024
The reports were looked over and approved by all board members.
Donation from the Marilea Koch Estate
Former board member Marilea Koch remembered the library in her will when she passed. The Library is to receive approximately 11.11% of her estate. Papers for distribution of the funds were to arrive in the next week. President Hahn and Director Keller met with City Hall about the funds, to which it was stated that the city will have no claim to the funds. They are to be used at the discretion of the Library Board. Possible uses discussed for the funds included: updating the HVAC system, more magnifiers for the library to loan, and a scholarship for a high school student, among others. Further discussions will be had in the future.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee
No report to share
Building and Grounds Committee
Chairman Hahn stated that the work on the planter boxes is almost complete. Rock and plants still need to be added to finish them out, Trustee Lewis is to talk to Wernsman’s about them. Talk was had about possibly adding a sculpture or plaque to the West planter. The West planter also needs rock and landscape fabric and to be stained.
Personnel Committee
No report to share
No report to share
New Business
Board Subcommittees
Committee appointments are as follows:
Personnel: Chairperson—Jennifer Dice, Members—Marilyn Lewis and Erica Nix
Building and Grounds: Chairperson—Kasey Angeloni, Members—Mark Decker and possible new board member
Finance: Chairperson—Gayla Wilkerson, Members—Mark Decker and Kasey Angeloni
Policy: Chairperson—Lynn Larimer, Members—Erica Nix and Marilyn Lewis
Semi-Annual Vote for Closed Minute Sessions
The Board held their semi-annual vote about whether or not to keep the closed minute sessions closed, or open them to the public. A motion was made by Trustee Wilkerson to keep the minutes closed. It was seconded by Trustee Angeloni. Members voted. Trustees Nix, Hahn, Lewis, Larimer, Angeloni, and Wilkerson all voted to keep the minutes closed. Trustee Decker voted to open the minutes. Motion carried.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Juneteenth Holiday Observations
After much discussion, it was decided that the Library will be open on these holidays. Programs should be held to teach others about what the holidays mean. The Library would also be allowed to have these be partial days, closing early. Trustee Decker made a motion for the Library to be open, Trustee Wilkerson seconded. Roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
WebDewey Subscription
When cataloging, Assistant Director Trinkle needs to have access to the Dewey Decimal Catalog, and an online subscription would be an asset to her. A motion was made by Trustee Wilkerson to subscribe to this service. It was seconded by Trustee Lewis. Roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Security Alarm Cellular Radio Transmitter Proposal
The board members were given a copy of the Security Alarm Proposal about adding a Cellular Radio Transmitter at the library. Over the past year, the security system at the library has had issues due to connection problems with Wabash. If Security Alarm was to add a transmitter, this problem could be avoided. Board Members read over the contract and agreed to a one year trial, while other avenues are researched. Trustee Decker made a motion to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Trustee Nix. Roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
Garren and Sons Possible Bonus or Raise
Director Keller told the board about the great job that Garren and Sons has done since beginning their maintenance and cleaning of the library. Due to this, Director Keller recommended giving them either a bonus or a raise in gratitude. After much discussion, it was decided that their pay would increase to $150 a week instead of the current $132. A motion was made by Trustee Nix to accept and seconded by Trustee Lewis. Roll call vote was taken and Trustees Nix, Lewis, Decker, Larimer, Angeloni, and Wilkerson voted “yes.” President Hahn abstained from voting due to relationship with the Garrens.
Staffing Hours Increase
Director Keller suggested possibly adding a page position to the library to help the circulation staff with projects around the Library. A plan was made to add 12 extra hours to the existing staff, giving them more time to complete projects. It was decided that Assistant Director Trinkle would receive an extra 3 hours a week, with the additional 9 hours divided where needed among the other staff. A motion was made by Trustee Decker and seconded by Trustee Wilkerson. Roll call vote was taken and all present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Banning of Troublemaking Non-Patrons
Due to some incidents that have occurred in the Library’s restrooms, Director Keller asked the board if they would consider banning the two non-patrons that seem to be the origin of these events. They have previously been asked to leave the library and not return. Motion was made by Trustee Wilkerson to ban the two for one year and was seconded by Trustee Nix. Roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Director’s Report
See attached sheet.
Board Member Reports
Trustee Decker spoke about Bryan Fest. He stated no meetings have been held and he wasn’t sure where things currently were with the event.
Adjournment: President Hahn adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
A motion was made by Trustee Decker and seconded by Trustee Nix. All present voted “yes,” and meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by:
Jodi Trinkle
Assistant Director