June 20, 2023
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
June 20, 2023, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room
Call to Order, Roll Call of Trustees
Bryan-Bennett Library Board President Ed Dolbeare called the June 20, 2023, meeting of the Bryan-
Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 p.m. Trustees answering roll call were: Jennifer Dice,
Ed Dolbeare, Mark Decker, Joyce Raver and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustee Lynn Larimer entered the meeting
at 6:48 p.m. Trustees absent were Brad Crow and Gary Hahn. Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant
Director Jodi Trinkle were also present.
Employee Spotlight
As stated, in last month's meeting, Library Director Kim Keller will be introducing her staff to the board
at every board meeting. This month the board was pleased to be introduced to Ms. Karen Shanafelt. She
is the Programs Director for Bryan Bennett Library. She has been employed by the library for 5 years.
Out of the numerous programs Ms. Shanafelt has headed, her favorite is Story Time. One successful
program has been 1,000 books before kindergarten with one participant who has met his goal and is
now helping his younger sister do the same. The board is appreciative of Programs Director Shanafelt
and are excited to see what the future looks like in that department.
Public Comment
There was no public comment
Secretary's Report
Approval of the May 16, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes
Board members assessed the May 16, 2023, minutes. A motion to accept them was made by Trustee
Decker and seconded by Trustee Wilkerson. Roll call vote was taken. All members voted yes. The motion
Treasurer's Report
Payment of June 2023 Bills
After reviewing June 2023 bills, Trustee Dice made a motion to approve the June 2023 payment of bills and
Trustee Decker seconded it. Roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes, and the motion carried.
Financial Report June 2023
There was a $39.02 difference in the Bills List last month and the Financial Report for this month. $19.96
of this difference is linked to a lag between the time that a movie was purchased in April and billed in
May. The remaining $19.06 is believed to be part of the difference in acquisitions made from Amazon
and the way that Amazon bills from its different suppliers. A motion to accept the financial report was
made by Trustee Wilkerson and seconded by Trustee Decker. Roll call vote was taken with all members
voting yes so, the motion carried.
Asset, Memorial Fund, and Donation Reports for June 2023
The Marty Leuty and Gladys Williams memorials totaled $1,262.29. To date, $1,208.01 has been spent at
the discretion of Library Director Kim Keller. No vote was needed as a vote had been taken last month
to allow Director Keller to spend it as she saw fit.
Committee Reports
Finance- No re ports
Policy- No reports
Personnel- No reports
Building and Grounds- No Reports
New Business
Non-Resident Card: Annual Vote and the Continuation of Non-Resident Library Cards
The library board has made the decision to offer non-resident library cards and leave our non-resident
library card at the cost of $55. This is an annual vote. A motion was made by Trustee Raver and
seconded by Trustee Wilkerson. Roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. The motion
Decision to keep closed session minutes closed or make them open to the public
Twice a year in January and June the library board takes a vote to either keep the closed session minutes
closed or open them to the public. Trustee Wilkerson made the motion to keep the minutes closed and
it was seconded by Trustee Dice. Roll call vote was taken. The votes were taken with 5 yes and 1 no. Yes votes: Trustees Dice, Dolbeare, Larimer, Raver and Wilkerson. No vote: Trustee Decker. The motion carried.
Open Board Seat
Board members have been encouraged to submit names for an open library board trustee seat. Currently
there is an unexpired term open until 2024.
Seating of New Ethics Officer
Trustee Lynn Larimer has agreed to occupy the position of ethics officer left vacant by Jack McGuire. The
board is supportive of this new roll for Trustee Larimer.
Unfinished Business
Proposed Anti-Censorship Policy
The library board was provided with a draft of an anti-censorship policy. Board President Ed Dolbeare
suggested board members take the draft home to study it and be ready to discuss it at the July meeting
and complete it at the August meeting. This is well ahead of the January 1, 2024, deadline.
Trustee Mark Decker met with City Manager Rex Barbee and City Finance Director Kelli Roth concerning
the million-dollar insurance policy required to rent a meeting room at the library. Both Barbee and Roth have agreed to check with Kane Insurance company regarding the right amount.
Directors Report
Director Kim Keller provided the board with a detailed report of last month's activities. With a donation
from Modern Woodman for the Hometown Hero award, Director Keller has asked that the money be
used towards an icemaker/snow cone machine that could benefit employees and patrons alike. Director
Keller is still working on the E-Rate Category 2 Application. If awarded, it will be used to replace existing
communication gear. The Per Capita Grant of $10,740.95 has been awarded to Bryan-Bennett Library.
Seven applications have been submitted for the open circulation clerk position. President Dolbeare
encouraged Director Keller to inform applicants who are not a fit for the position that they hadn't
received the job. President Dolbeare also suggested that interviews start right away. Director Keller
encouraged the board to consider the purchase of an inflatable dome and planetarium projector with
memorial funds and donations. Although no action was taken, Director Keller was encouraged by the
board to secure donations before an affirmative answer on the purchase.
Board Members' Report
A concern from Trustee Dice was brought to the attention of the board that all members of the board
should be included in any board communication or board activity outside of scheduled board meetings.
A motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Wilkerson and seconded by Trustee Larimer at 8:13 p.m.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Jennifer Dice, Board Secretary