Bryan-Bennett Library

Minutes, August 20, 2024, Full Board, Regular Meeting


Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting

August 20,2024,6:30 p.m. in the Board Room

Call to Order. Roll Call of Trustees

Bryan-Bennett Library Board President Gary Hahn called the August 20,2024, meeting of Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:33 p.m. Trustees answering roll call were: Kasey Angeloni, Brenda Conrad, Mark Decker, Jennifer Dice, Gary Hahn, Erica Nix, and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustee Lynn Larimer joined the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Trustee Marilyn Lewis was absent. Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle along with Laura Crain, President of The Friends of Bryan-Bennett Library were also  present.

Public Comment


Secretary's Report

Approval of the July 16,2024, Board Meeting Minutes

The July 16, 2024, library board minutes were approved after a motion by Trustee Decker and a second by Trustee Conrad was made. All members voted in favor and the motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Payment of August 2024 Bills

After reviewing the August 2024 bills list, a motion was made by Trustee Wilkerson and  seconded by Trustee Nix to pay a total of $25,991.28. Roll call vote was taken with all Trustees in agreement the motion carried.

Financial Report

Board members looked over the financial report for August 2024. Trustee Dice made a
motion to accept the report and Trustee Angeloni seconded it. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.

Asset, Memorial Fund and Donation Report

The reports were looked over and approved by all members. At the request of Treasurer Wilkerson, Month by Month Activity will continue to be available.

Marilea Koch Donation Update

A motion was made by Trustee Decker to allow between $100,000 and $125,000 to be moved to a high interest CD or savings account. As of right now luka State Bank is offering 5% for 12 months. This motion was seconded by Trustee Nix and all members voted yes.
The motion carried.

Friends of Bryan-Bennett Library

President of Friends of Bryan-Bennett Library Laura Crain informed the board of several things the Friends are working on. September 12 is a planning meeting to set up a work day. With the abundance of children's books in the Book Room, Halloween handouts may be a possibility. The Board appreciates President Crains hard work and dedication.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee- None

Policy Committee- None

Personnel Committee- Thursday August 15,2024, Director Keller a and Personnel Chair Dice met to review job descriptions and possible page hiring.

Building and Grounds Committe- The Building and Grounds committee held a meeting August 10, 2024. They have been working hard these past several weeks improving the aesthetic of the outside of our library.

New Business

Staffing- A motion was made byTrustee Nix and seconded by Trustee Decker to amend Programs Director Karen Shanafelt's job description to include additional job responsibilities and a new title. This would clear up any IMRF questions and allow Shanafelt to grow in her position of new Programing Coordinator. All Trustees voted yes
and the motion carried.

Page Job Description

A new position has been created for a page to be hired for approximately 12 hrs. per week. Director Keller provided the board with a job description. Trustee Decker made a motion to accept with a second from Trustee Larimer. Roll call vote was taken. All members voted yes and the motion carried.

Amending Staffing Hours

A discussion to accept the drafted amendment to the current staffing hours was provided to the board by Director Keller. The board agreed with the amendments presented.

Booher HVAC Quote for Genealogy, Hallway, and The Davenport Room

After reviewing and discussing the pros and cons of each individual replacement along with additional equipment to enhance the HVAC performance the board has prioritized what we feel is the most reasonable plan for moving ahead.

Beginning with the Genealogy room, Trustee Larimer made a motion to replace the RTU
(Rooftop heating and cooling unit) at the cost of $12,585.00 with no additional economizer.
A second was made by Trustee Angeloni. All members voted yes with the exception of President Hahn and Trustee Decker who both abstained. The motion carried.

Moving on to the hallway RUT replacement the board agreed to table that for the time being. Trustee Decker made a motion to reject the bid and Trustee Dice seconded.

With a motion from Trustee Nix and a Second from Trustee Larimer, the board approved a motion to replace the RTU in the Davenport Room with an additional economizer for the cost of $15,100. The addition of the economizer allows the system to use outside airfor
cooling when the conditions are favorable. This helps with energy consumption and reduces the need for mechanical cooling. All members voted yes with the exception of President Hahn and Trustee Decker who both abstained from the vote. The motion carried.

Tax Levy Request for 2025 Taxes

An annual request forthe City to include the library's levies in its levy approved in
December. The library's three levies are for general operations, building and maintenance and Social Security. A motion was made by Trustee Decker and seconded by Trustee Wilkerson to sign the request. All members voted yes and the motion carried.

Security Alarm Camera Installation Proposal

A motion was made by Trustee Decker and seconded by Trustee Angeloni to accept the quote from Security Alarm Company to install interior cameras at the cost of $3,842.26 and an additional monthly cost of $60 for monitoring. All members voted yes with the exception of Trustee Dice who abstained from voting.

Library Holidays 2025

Director Keller presented the board with a schedule for days closed along with early closures throughout the 2025 Calander.

Review of Serving Our Public

Director Keller provided the board with copies of Chapters 3, 7 and 8 along with appendices E and I. Director Keller is always available for discussion concerning any of our Standards.

Unfinished Business


Director's Report

See attachment

A request to change our January Board meeting to a Budget Workshop was made by Director Kim Keller. A motion made by Trustee Decker and seconded by Trustee Larimer to accept the request led to a vote that was a unanimous yes from the rest of the Trustees.

Board Member Reports



A motion was made by Trustee Dice to adjourn at 8:32 p.m. A second was given by Trustee Larimer. All members voted yes and the meeting was adjourned.