Bryan-Bennett Library

March 21, 2023


Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting

March 21, 2023, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room

Call to Order, Roll Call of Trustees

Bryan-Bennett Library Board President Jane Gaston called the March 21, 2023, meeting of the Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:36 p.m. Trustees answering roll call were: Jennifer Dice , Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Jack McGuire and Joyce Raver. Trustee Lynn Larimer entered the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Trustees absent were: Brad Crow, Gary Hahn, and Gayla Wilkerson. Library Director Kim Keller was also present.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Board President Gaston stated that she would be changing the order of the agenda and moving the Closed Session and the Question to transfer funds from Savings to Operations Account toward the end of the meeting.

Secretary’s Report

Approval of February 21, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes

Board members looked over a draft of the February 21, 2023, Minutes. Trustee McGuire made a motion to approve the February 21 minutes. Trustee Raver seconded the motion. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Payment of March 2023 Bills

Board members looked over the March 2023 Bills list. Trustee McGuire moved to approve the list, totaling $43,599.24. Trustee Dolbeare seconded. Board members present answered “yes” in the roll call vote. Motion carried.

Financial Report for February 2023

The Board looked over corrected financial reports for November of 2022 and January and February of 2023. President Gaston noted a correction in the tally for the Postage total in the January 2023 report. Motion by Trustee Dice, with a second by Trustee McGuire, to approve the reports as corrected. A roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.

Financial Report for March 2023

The Board looked over the Financial Report for March 2023. Trustee Dolbeare moved to accept the Financial Report for March. Trustee McGuire seconded. Roll call vote. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.

Asset, Memorial Fund, and Donations Reports for March 2023

The Board reviewed reports for Assets, the Memorial Fund, and the Donations Fund. Trustee Dolbeare suggested that some Memorial Funds could be used to purchase an item that would help the staff serve patrons better. Director Keller was asked to come up with ideas. Motion by Trustee Raver, with a second by Trustee Dice, to approve the Asset, Memorial Fund, and Donations Reports. Roll call vote. All approved. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

There were no reports from the Finance, Policy, and Personnel Committees.

Building and Grounds Committee Report: Board President Gaston updated the Board on the Roof Project, on behalf of Committee Chairperson Gary Hahn. Trustee Hahn had  conversations with Roof Project Architect Kale Calvert of ADG Architecture and Design Group in Mt. Carmel and Ray Booher of Booher Tin Shop in Salem.

Mr. Calvert said their office submitted the application for Joiner Roofing’s final payment and ADG’s final invoice for their services. This should wrap up the project. These items were part of the Bills Payable on March 21.

The Booher Tin Shop work has been completed with exception to replacing a minor part on the recently installed heating and air conditioning unit. Mr. Booher said that there will not be a charge for that work as it is covered under warranty. Regarding a heating/cooling discrepancy between the Director’s office and the Friends Room, Mr. Booher said the problem is likely the location of the thermostat that controls the heating and air conditioning for those two spaces. There is probably a lag between when the thermostat in the Friends Room reaches its desired temperature and when that temperature is reached in the Director’s office. Mr. Booher said, the thermostat could be relocated to the Director’s office but then the situation would be reversed.

New Business

Mileage reimbursement rate

Beginning on January 1, 2023, the IRS set the standard mileage reimbursement rate at 65.5 cents per mile. Bryan-Bennett Library’s mileage reimbursement has be 51 cents per mile since 2010. Trustee Dolbeare made a motion to reimburse mileage per the IRS guidelines, which presently was 65.5 Cents, with the understanding that employees would exercise good judgement on usage. Trustee Dice seconded the motion. All present answered “yes” during a roll call vote. Motion carried. A consensus of the Board was that the Bryan-Bennett Library reimbursement rate would be kept in line with the IRS rate.

Security Alarm Proposal for Cellular Upgrade

With industry support for copper lines drawing to a close, the Security Alarm of Salem made a proposal to the Library regarding use of a cellular phone for monitoring services. Trustee Raver contacted Security Alarm to see if there could be any reduction of the proposed costs. At her request, the company reduced its proposal. However, a consensus of the Board was to hold off regarding any immediate change. Discussion was tabled.

FY 2024 Budget

The Board looked over the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget that had been presented to them at the February 21 Board meeting. The following changes were made:

  • Under Building Maintenance expenses, the board inserted $15,000 for replacement of the HVAC in the Genealogy Room and deleted a $2,046 expense for change security/fire alarm monitoring to cell phone.
  • Under Grounds Maintenance, the Board reduced the miscellaneous line to $500 and increased the parking lot line to $6,000.
  • Under Equipment Furniture, the Board reduced the miscellaneous line to $500 and added $2,968 for new patron computer(s).

The Board asked the Library Director to work with the staff to develop a Technology Plan.

The Board tabled action on the FY24 Budget until the April meeting.

Closed Session (5 ILCS 120/2 C 1- Personnel) No Closed Session was held.

A motion was made by Trustee Larimer, with a second by Trustee Dolbeare, to set the following staff compensation rates for Fiscal Year 2024:

  • Assistant Director, to work 25 hours per week, $14 per hour, effective May 1;
  • Program Director, to work 18 hours per week, at minimum wage;
  • Circulation Clerks to work at minimum wage;
  • Library Director to receive a 3% raise, effective May 1;
  • No extra hours would be allowed in the budget;
  • Only quarterly meetings would be allowed, with 1 hour for each employee.

All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.

Question to Transfer Funds from Savings to Operations Account

President Gaston said that the Library always has to maintain a $100,000 balance in the checking account at the end of the fiscal year to cover expenses until the first distribution of property taxes in the fall.

Gaston said the Library needed to transfer: $125,000 to cover expenses over the next few months; $13,000 for HVAC replacement; and $2,268 to purchase new patron computers.

Motion by Trustee McGuire to transfer $140,268 from the Library’s savings account at People’s State Bank to Marion County Savings Bank. Second by Trustee Larimer. All present answered “yes” to a roll call vote. Motion carried.

President Gaston said that the Library Board should have a work session with the Salem City Council in the fall to discuss building maintenance expenses.

Director’s Report

Director Keller reported the following:

  • The Salem Hospital Foundation asked to use the Davenport Room for an art fundraiser in June. The Foundation will sell several pieces of art in a silent auction. The event is scheduled for a 3 day period, with one day ahead to set up. The Salem Hospital has event insurance and will be providing a certificate. The Board set the rental fee at $75, which was half the cost of the rental that would cover one day of set up and three exhibit days.
  • Pre-K Iuka School students toured the Apollo 11 exhibit. Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle read the children a story.
  • The Salem Garden Club met in the Davenport Room on March 9.
  • The Genealogical Society requested that a parking space be reserved for speakers. While painting a reserved space would not be practical for the Library, the City has said that there is nothing to prevent the Society or staff from setting up parking cones and temporarily marking the space as reserved, on dates when an event is occurring. The staff and Society will follow this protocol.
  • The new HVAC serving the Friends room and the Director’s office is operating.
  • TOP Electric has been switching out the old fluorescent light bulbs to the new LED bulbs.
  • KSB recycle bin driver/volunteer Jack Riley picked up three large boxes of discarded books from the Friends Book Sale Room for recycling.
  • Genealogy has also requested that the Library consider purchase of a new microfilm reader.
  • The Paid Leave for All Workers Act takes effect January 1, 2024 (Public Act 102-1143). This will not impact the current FY23 budget. It should have minimal relevance in future budgets. The act establishes one hour of paid leave for every 40 hours worked. The leave amount would be calculated by the following formula: # Hours worked in a week, times 52, divided by 40 Circ Clerks average 16 hours per week (832 hours per year). Their leave would be 21 hours per year. An 18-hour-a-week employee works 936 hours each year. This amounts to 24 hours per year. A 25-hour-a-week employee works 1,300 hours per year. The new law gives that employee 32.5 hours of leave each year.
  • Programs Director would like to plant boxes under tree on west side of building, as a project that she can do with story time participants.

Board Members’ Reports: There were no reports

Adjournment: Board President Gaston adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,

Lynn Larimer

Board Secretary