Bryan-Bennett Library

February 21, 2023


Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting

February 21, 2023, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room

Call to Order and Roll Call of Trustees

Board President Jane Gaston called the February 21, 2023, meeting of the Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:35 p.m. Trustees answering roll call were: Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Gary Hahn, Jack McGuire, and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustees Brad Crow, Jennifer Dice, Lynn Larimer, and Joyce Raver were not present. Library Director Kim Keller was present.


Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Secretary’s Report: Approval of January 17, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes

Board members approved the minutes of the January 17, 2023, Board meeting. Trustee Hahn moved to accept the minutes. Trustee Wilkerson seconded. Roll call vote. All present approved. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Payment of February 2023 Bills

Board members looked over the February 2023 Bills List.

Motion by Trustee Wilkerson, with a second by Trustee Hahn, to approve the February 2023 bills, which totaled $48,306.56. Roll call vote. All present approved. Motion carried.

Question to transfer funds from Savings to Operations Account

A motion to transfer $50,000 from the savings account at People’s State Bank to the operations account at Marion County Savings Bank was made by Trustee McGuire, with a second by Trustee Dolbeare. Roll call vote. All present approved. Motion carried.


Financial Report for February 2023

Discussion of the Financial Report for February was tabled. Board President Gaston had several questions about the January Financial Report. With her questions about the January Report, she did not feel that the February Report could be approved. She asked Treasurer Gayla Wilkerson to check out her points of concern.

Assets, Memorial Fund, and Donations Reports for February 2023

The Assets, Memorial Fund and Donations Reports for February 2023 were reviewed. Trustee Wilkerson, who is serving as liaison between the Marty Leuty memorial donors and the Library, said that donors wanted to spend the memorial money on an item that Bryan-Bennett needed. They favored selecting an item from a list of recommendations from the Library staff. Director Keller was asked to report back to the Board about possible purchases. A motion was made by Trustee McGuire to accept the reports for Assets, Memorial Fund and Donations Reports. Second by Trustee Hahn. Roll call vote. All present approved. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

There were no reports from the Finance, Policy, and Personnel committees.

Building and Grounds

Roof Project Update

Trustee Hahn told the Board that there would be one more roof bill to come from Joiner Roofing and from project architect Kale Calvert. The architect had conducted the formal inspection. Due to the extra bidding process, the architect’s fee will run slightly over budget. A consensus of the Board was pleased with the work that had been accomplished.

New Business

Mileage reimbursement rate update

Discussion was tabled.

FY 2024 Budget

Board President Jane Gaston said that the Finance Committee would meet to discuss the budget.

Closed Session 5 ILCS 120/2 C 1 – Personnel

President Gaston said that the Personnel Committee would meet and report back to the Board regarding compensation for the next fiscal year. President Gaston said that most of the Personnel Committee meeting will be in closed session.

Unfinished Business

Electric audit provided by AGE

The Board received a copy of an audit of electrical usage.


Ameren Incentive Lighting Program

Board President Gaston inquired about progress with the application to the Ameren Lighting Incentive Program. Director Keller said that estimates were a little under the original budget. President Gaston said that the Board needed to officially authorize the Library Director to proceed with the Ameren Grant Program. Motion by Trustee McGuire to proceed with the Ameren Grant Program. Second by Trustee Wilkerson. Roll call vote. All present approved. Motion carried.

E-Rate Category 2 application. The Board read through an estimate of a communications gear update. The project is anticipated to cost nearly $3,000. A large part of the funding for this project would be through the E-Rate Category 2 Program. Motion by Trustee Hahn to proceed with the E-Rate Category 2 application. Second by Trustee Wilkerson. Roll call vote. All present approved. Motion carried.

Director’s Report

Director Keller reported to the Board about a new catalog interface that Heartland Library System may begin using. Aspen Discovery would allow patrons to access data from several common electronic resources. This would be an extra expense to the current Illinois Heartland Library System membership fee.

The director report on several recent problems dealing with homeless patrons. Among those cited were a confrontation with staff and unusual behaviors in the public rest rooms.

Among the activities at the Library included in the Director’s Report were: the Math Counts Competition, coordinated by the local engineers’ association; participation in Senator Plummer’s Valentine campaign for senior citizens; several story times; Fiber Arts Circle gatherings; 1000 Books Before Kindergarten; a Seed Swap; one-on-one tutoring opportunities for patrons; and maker station tub use.

Board Members’ Reports

Board President Gaston made a change to earlier-announced committee appointments. The change was on the Policy Committee. She replaced Trustee Wilkerson with Trustee Crow, who had just joined the Board when the original appointments were made.


President Gaston adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by, 

Kim Keller

Library Director