January 23, 2023
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
January 23, 2024, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room
Call to Order, Roll Call of Trustees
Bryan-Bennett Library Board President Ed Dolbeare called the January 23,2024, meeting of the Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 p.m. Trustees answering roll call were: Brad Crow, Mark Decker, Jennifer Dice, Ed Dolbeare, Gary Hahn, Lynn Larimer, Joyce Raver and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustee Marilyn Lewis was absent. Library Director Kim Keller and Library Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle were also present.
Public Comment
Kasey Angeloni took a minute to thank the board for their work and dedication to the library. Laura Crain informed the board of improvements to the Friends of the Library book room as well as the standings of positions on The Friends board. Both women were in attendance the entirety of the meeting. As always, our board meetings are open to the public and patrons are encouraged to attend. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank the Friends of Bryan-Bennett Library for volunteering their time and talent to our cause. The Friends of the Library book room will be open the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month with a grand opening date of February 10th 2024.
Secretary’s Report
Approval of November 21, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes
A motion to approve November 21,2023, minutes was made by Mark Decker and seconded by Gayla Wilkerson. Roll call vote was taken with all members present voting yes. The motion carried.
Treasure’s Report
Payment of December 2023 and January 2024 Bills
A motion was made by Trustee Hahn and seconded by Trustee Crow to approve the December 2023/January 2024 bills in the amount of $16,357.53. Roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. The motion carried.
Financial Report for December 2023/January 2024
A motion to accept the Financial Report for December 2023/January 2024 was made by Trustee Dice and seconded by Trustee Larimer. All members voted yes and the motion carried.
Committee Reports
Building and Grounds-None
New Business
Monthly Meeting Day and Time
An annual vote is taken to determine the day and time of board meetings. A motion was made by Trustee Dice and seconded by Trustee Wilkerson to continue to meet the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. excluding the month of December. All members voted yes and the motion carried.
Vote on Closed Session Meeting Minutes
A semi-annual vote was taken to establish that closed session meeting minutes would either remain closed or be available to the public. A motion to keep closed session meeting minutes closed was made by Trustee Wilkerson and seconded by Trustee Hahn. Roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes with Trustee Decker casting the lone no vote. The motion carried.
A marketing and schedule of public events in relation to the library’s newly acquired inflatable Planetarium was provided to the board. Director Kim Keller and her staff have some incredible opportunities to showcase the new accessory in the upcoming months.
MLK Holiday
The board has tabled a decision until next month concerning the suggestion that the Bryan-Bennett Library be closed in honor of Martin Luther King Day following the City of Salem’s new implementation of recognizing the holiday.
Accident Review
The board is considering adding a “go see” and “what could be done differently” clause in our current accident policy. After a library employee was injured due to a fallen shelf, Trustee Hahn has agreed to look at stabilizing the existing shelves before a decision to order new shelves is made. No motion was taken and was tabled for a future meeting.
Strategic Development Plan
Director Keller provided the Board of Trustees with a draft of her Strategic Development Plan. The Board will review and reassess at February’s board meeting.
Unfinished Business
Part-time Employee Policy
Our current policy for part-time employee’s was deemed appropriate.
Job Description Updates
Updates of job descriptions were reviewed and voted on with a motion to accept them as we amended them made by Trustee Wilkerson and seconded by Trustee Decker. Roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. The motion carried.
Directors Report-See attachment
Board Member Report- It was brought to the attention of the Building and Grounds committee that the dinosaur needs painted.
A motion for adjournment was made at 8:37 p.m. by Trustee Hahn and seconded by Trustee Larimer.
Respectfully submitted by;
Jennifer Dice
Bryan-Bennett Library Director’s Report for January 23, 2024
Strategic Development Plan Draft
This document was created with staff input (including assistant director, program director, circulation clerks).
The goals for Technology and an updated Technology Plan will be presented to the Library Board in February. All computers will need to be replaced in the next 2 years. A rough estimate of this expense is $20,000. You have the money in the Peoples’ Bank Account for this acquisition.
Points for to consider including in the Strategic Development Plan:
- Ask City of Salem for Loan to replace HVAC units in Genealogy, Board Room, and 2 in the gym. The Loan would be repaid in the next 4 years, using money from the building and maintenance tax. This could be an item we approach the City to include in their budget that takes effect May 1.
- Ask the City for a $30,000 grant to replace the remainder of the shelving in the Non-Fiction area. This shelving is in desperate need of replacement.
Major projects in the works over the next month
The fiscal year 2025 budget will be the main item on the Library Director’s desk.
Virtually all staff are playing a role in making the Planetarium Presentations possible. In February, I’ll file a formal report with the Tourism Council regarding progress with the Planetarium.
Top Electric repaired an exterior light outside the Davenport Room doors.
Booher’s replaced the igniter in the Genealogy HVAC unit.
I audited an online homeless training class presented by Ryan Dowd, who provides a series of online trainings that address Behavioral and Security issues. The recent training addressed: various types of homelessness; the impact of trauma on a person’s brain and why this effects behavior;
I attended a meeting held by the City DOEM and Salem PD regarding preparedness for the April 8 eclipse.
Friends of Bryan-Bennett Library reorganizing. Two meetings held. I assisted them in filing a report due at the beginning of January.
Respectfully submitted by, Kim Keller
Program Stats as of December 30, 2023
One Time Events
November 16 6th grade school visit to Planetarium Experience had 8 adults and 94 students in 4 sessions
November 16 Family Reading Night Planetarium Experience had 22 total from 7 families
November 17 Storytime had 13 children with 6 adults from 6 families
December 7 Patron Reception and Concert with Kaskaskia River Brass had 57 attend
December 9 Santa visit event ***
December 28 Planetarium Experience 147 participants in 13 sessions
December 29 Planetarium Experience 72 participants in 9 sessions
December 28 North Pole Escape Room 50 participants in 9 sessions
December 29 North Pole Escape Room 55 participants in 9 sessions
Ongoing Programs and Services
1000 Books Before Kindergarten has sixty participants. Eleven of these have completed the program.
One-on-One Computer and Smart Phone Assistance was scheduled and provided twice in November and December. This was for a patron who wanted to download an app to scan QR codes and barcodes. He also downloaded the library app. Another patron wanted help optimizing her memory on her phone by storing photos and videos elsewhere. Unscheduled One-on-one assistance was provided 34 times.
Take Home Story Time Kits were used six times.
Maker Stations were used fourteen times.
Programs Planned for the Near Future
January 4 Leather Apron Club (Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is the January book)
January 5 Preschool Storytime
January 12 Preschool Storytime
January 15 Escape Room 1 to 5
January 15 Planetarium Experience 10 to 6
January 18 Chess Practice
January 19 Preschool Storytime
January 25 Puzzle Competition
January 26 Preschool Storytime
January 27 Seed Swap
January 27 Preparedness Talk by Andrew Strong
Submitted by Karen Shanafelt December 30, 2023