May 21, 2024, Full Board, Regular Meeting
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
May 21, 2024, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room
Call to Order, Roll Call of Trustees
Bryan-Bennett Library Board Vice-President Gary Hahn called the May 21, 2024, meeting of the Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:32 p.m. Trustees answering the roll call were: Brad Crow, Marilyn Lewis, Erica Nix, Kasey Angeloni, and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustees absent were Jennifer Dice, Mark Decker, and Lynn Larimer. Trustee Lewis left the meeting at 7:03 p.m. and Trustee Decker arrived at 7:05 p.m. Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle were also present.
Public Comment
Friends of Bryan-Bennett Library President Laura Crain shared how things were going in the sale room. She stated that business has been steady and that with frequent Facebook posts about items for sale, they have been seeing renewed interest. The group is planning on doing a membership drive in September.
Reorganization of Board for FY 2025
The board members nominated and voted on the new board officers. They shall be as follows:
President- Gary Hahn
Vice-President-Kasey Angeloni
Secretary-Jennifer Dice
Treasurer-Gayla Wilkerson
Ethics Officer-Lynn Larimer
A motion was made by Trustee Wilkerson and seconded by Trustee Nix. Roll call vote was taken and all present voted “yes.” (Trustee Decker had not arrived at this time.)
At this time, the committees were not yet assigned. Trustees are to think about which committees they would like to join and to contact Director Keller with their choices. Decisions will be discussed at the June meeting.
Appointment of Bank Signatories
Signatories for the FY 2025 shall be:
Signer 1: Gayla Wilkerson
Signer 2: Kasey Angeloni
Signer 3: Gary Hahn
Trustee Wilkerson, President Hahn, and Vice-President Angeloni will all need to sign a new signature card at the bank following the June 2024 board meeting.
Secretary’s Report
Approval of the April 16, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes
Board members looked over a draft of the April 16, 2024,minutes. Trustee Wilkerson made a motion to approve the April 16 minutes. Trustee Lewis seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. All present trustees voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Payment of April 2024 Addendum Bills
Board members looked over the April 2024 Addendum and Vice-President Angeloni made the motion to approve the bills, totaling $6,118.90. Motion was seconded by Trustee Nix. Roll call vote was taken. All present trustees voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Payment of May 2024 Bills
Board members looked over the May 2024 bills list. Trustee Nix moved to approve the list, totaling $16,226.92. Trustee Lewis seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Financial Report for May 2024
The Board looked over the Financial Report for May 2024. Trustee Wilkerson moved to approve the Financial Report. Trustee Nix seconded. Roll call vote was taken. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Asset, Memorial Fund, and Donations Reports for May 2024
The reports were looked over and approved by all board members.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee
No report to share
Building and Grounds Committee
Chairman Hahn stated that the work on the planter boxes is almost complete. The boards around the East box have been stained. The box at the West end should be stained prior to the June meeting. At this time, Hahn says that Wernsman will need to be contacted about adding rock to the boxes. Chairman Hahn says that he is still finalizing the repairs to the damaged non-fiction book shelves. When the time comes for the repairs, he will need assistance from library staff to move and replace books on the shelves. Committee Member Decker would like to see if a program involving dinosaurs might be able to be made that would allow the children to paint the dinosaur out front of the library. He also brought up the idea of planting ivy around the dinosaur and letting it get covered over to add color and then possibly repaint in the future.
Personnel Committee
Director Keller shared her response and thoughts about her employee evaluation. Board members were able to read the response and give comment. President Hahn agreed that we should move forward with teamwork and with thoughts toward serving the patrons and with continuing to be an asset to the community.
No report to share
New Business
Dividers for the Davenport Room
After receiving a generous donation of $500 from an anonymous patron, library staff thought that it would be a great use of the money to purchase room dividers for the Davenport room. These would be used to block patrons view of the tables and chairs that are stored in the area. This would also mean staff wouldn’t have to try and rearrange the items every time a group met. A motion was made by Trustee Decker and seconded by Vice-President Angeloni. All trustees present voted “yes.” Motion carried. (Trustee Lewis had left by this point of the meeting.)
Annual Vote for Non-Resident Card
Discussion was had about continuing to offer a non-resident card to patrons outside of city limits. The cost of the card for the upcoming year was discussed, and after looking at the current property tax revenue amounts, it was decided to lower the cost of the card to $50 for the FY 2025. A motion was made by Trustee Wilkerson and seconded by Trustee Decker. All trustees present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Donation of William Jennings Bryan Statue
Trustee Decker spoke at the April board meeting about possibly donating a large folk art style of statue of William Jennings Bryan to the library, should he be able to acquire it. These plans have been placed on hold due to plans being made by the city. Updates will be given as they unfold.
Fine Forgiveness Month in June
It was suggested by Library Director Keller and Assistant Director Trinkle that June be considered for having a “Fine Forgiveness Month.” Canned goods can be brought in to donate to replace the fees that a patron may owe for overdue items. Each canned good or non-perishable item will “erase” up to $5.00 worth of fines. This donation will not “erase” fines owed for missing or damaged items. The items brought in will be donated to the food pantry. A motion was made by Vice-President Angeloni and seconded by Trustee Wilkerson. All trustees present voted “yes.”
Reconsideration of Kids Care Card Income Restriction
Several patrons brought the low income guidelines of the Kids Care Card into question. Currently, patrons must be able to prove low income through a medical card, LINK card, or similar. Patrons have stated that they believe the card should be for any child, regardless of income level. Board members decided to leave it as is at this time.
Director’s Presentation of Annual Report
Director Keller provided the board with a copy of the IPLAR (Illinois Public Library Annual Report). With the new slate of officers, Director Keller will update the information in the report and, with President Hahn’s approval, enter his name into the document.
Unfinished Business
William Jennings Bryan Festival Update
There has been no meeting of the committee since April board meeting, so there are no updates at this time.
Strategic Plan
The board members have had a chance to look over the strategic plan and to make any changes that they saw necessary. They have decided to review the plan yearly and to approve it as is, with changes noted on the new document. A motion was made by Trustee Wilkerson and seconded by Vice-President Angeloni. All trustees present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Technology Plan
The board members have had a change to look over the technology plan and have accepted as written, with a change of the date to read from June 1, 2024 until April 30, 2029. A motion was made by Trustee Wilkerson and seconded by Vice-President Angeloni. All trustees present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Planetarium Experience Wrap Up
Since its beginning, the Planetarium has seen more than 1300 visitors. There are additional groups booked in June and July, with a couple of public showings to be decided on during the summer. Programs Director Karen Shanafelt will also be working other types of programs to use with the planetarium, such as an Under the Sea theme.
Director’s Report
Director Keller reported the following information:
- Aspen, the new addition to the library system catalog, will roll out for our patrons on May 29. Director Keller, Assistant Director Trinkle, and Programs Director Shanafelt have all attended Zoom meetings on its usage.
- The communications gear at the library has been changed. Lazerware came in on May 1, 2024 to make the changes.
- Our janitorial/maintenance services have changed. Former provider Donald Rogers has taken a new job. The new service provider is Garren and Sons. So far they have done an impressive job. They have made a great start with noticing little things have needed completed and have went right to work getting them finished.
- Director Keller and FOBBL President Laura Crain attended the Senior Fair held at the community center. The event was a success, and the library saw a few new patrons from the experience.
Board Member Reports
Trustee Decker told the board how much Lori Bear has appreciated the use of the library for her meetings with the public on behalf of Wilhour. She appreciates the ease of parking and the accessible entrances that allow more people to come in and chat with her.
President Hahn brought up the suggestion of looking into some security cameras for the entrances to the building, due to activities happening outside staff view. This would allow staff to see who may have been in those locations. Trustee Decker also shared about some new Security Grants from the Secretary of State that might be started in the future. These grants could be used to finance the new cameras. There will be further discussion at that time.
Trustee Joyce Raver retired from the board in April, and it was decided to purchase a card and cake to give to her, possibly before the June board meeting. This will be in thanks for all the years of service that she faithfully provided to the library board. The card will be available at the circulation desk for board members and staff to sign.
Adjournment: President Hahn adjourned the meeting at 8:43 p.m.
A motion was made by Vice-President Angeloni and seconded by Trustee Nix. All voted “yes,” and meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by:
Jodi Trinkle
Assistant Director