September 17, 2024, Full Board Regular Meeting
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
September 17, 2024, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room
Call to Order. Roll Call of Trustees
Bryan-Bennett Library Board President Gary Hahn called the September 17,2024, meeting of the Bryan-
Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 p.m. Trustees answering roll call were: Brenda Conrad,
Mark Decker, Jennifer Dice, Gary Hahn, and Erica Nix. Trustees absent were Kasey Angeloni, Marylin
lewis, Lynn Larimer and Gayla Wilkerson. Library Director Kim Keller, Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle, and
Friends of Bryan Bennett Library President Laura Crain were also in attendance.
Public Comment
Secretary's Report
Approval of the August 20, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes
The August 20, 2024, library board minutes were approved after a motion was made by Trustee Decker
and a second by Trustee Nix. All members voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasure's Report
Payment of September 2024 Bills
After reviewing the September 2024 bills list, a motion was made by Trustee Decker and seconded by
Trustee Nix to pay a total of $22,179.39. Roll call vote was taken with all Trustees voting in favor. The
motion carried.
Financial Report September 2024
Board members looked over the financial report for September 2024. Trustee Decker made a motion to
accept the report. Trustee Dice provided the second. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Asset, Memorial Fund, and Donations Report
The reports were looked over by all members and approved. With the absence of our Treasurer, Trustee
Wilkerson, discussion ofthe transfer of funds to high yielding CD's was tabled until her return.
Friends of Bryan-Bennett Library
Friends President Laura Crain shared with the Board that the bookstore was opened during the recent
Director's meeting held at Bryan-Bennett Library. The store garnered lots of compliments from
attendees. The FOBBL held two workday meetings last month.
They are making progress organizing materials. They will have a table of free books available during the
upcoming Little Egypt Festival. They have set up a new free book stand outside of the bookstore. The
Fiends will contribute $430 for the Santa books giveaway, $400 for the Senior Luncheon and also provide
all of the volunteers for said luncheon.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee- none
Policy Committee- none
Personnel Committee- none
Building and Grounds Committee- Trustees Angeloni and Hahn joined Director Keller, Karen Shanafelt
and Mike Waller to help clean up and decorate the outside of the library. The wheelchair ramp was
painted along with stripes on the steps. Fall decorations were added.
New Business-
Top Electric has found several exposed wires and a panel that need tending. This will cost the library
$4,000. The Board has requested a breakdown of that figure before moving ahead with the project.
Jax Asphalt has given us a quote of $1,395 for filling the cracks in the parking lot. Trustee Decker made a
motion that was seconded by Trustee Nix to accept the proposal and given authorization to Director
Keller to use up to $1,300 for the addition of striping. All members voted yes and the motion carried. The
city of Salem will be contacted about cold patching the dips in the lot.
Review of Serving Our Public chapters 4, 5, and 6 along with appendices F, G, J and K were all discussed
by Director Keller.
Unfinished Business
The William Jennings Bryan festival will be held a week earlier than previously presented. The committee
is looking to partner with organizations and volunteers,
Directors Report
See attachment
Board Members Reports
A motion was made by Trustee Dice to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m. A second was provided by
Trustee Conrad. All members agreed and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Jennifer Dice
Bryan-Bennett Library Director’s Report September 17, 2024
Building, Grounds
September 7 Work Day: There was an excellent crew working for the Library on September 7. Board President Gary Hahn picked up and delivered straw for seasonal decorations. Building and Grounds Chairperson Kasey Angeloni and Circulation Clerk Mike Waller painted: the wall along the wheelchair ramp, step edges, and railings at the east and west entrances. Ms. Angeloni returned for another long painting session on September 8. Mr. Waller finished touching up the railing on the west side.
The 2 new HVAC units will be installed on September 18. The crew from Booher Tin Shop was preparing the replacement sites today. They had subcontracted with TOP Electric to do the electrical portion of the installation. Mr. Paulson found approximately 5-6 locations on the roof in which wiring was left exposed, presumably following recent rooftop projects. Mr. Paulson suggested moving one panel, which was not attached to anything making it vulnerable to wind, to a more stable location and securing it. There was at least one spot, where exposed wiring was laying on the roof. In several spots there was exposed wiring. Mr. Paulson was asked to secure any exposed and unsafe conditions. He estimated it could cost $4,000.
The roofer, when fixing a leaking spot in the new roof, suggested that we have the tuck pointing examined. Bryan-Bennett’s Maintenance Contractor David Garren inspected the problem sites and found no tuck pointing issues.
The security cameras will be installed September 18.
Bryan-Bennett Library will host another flower arranging program on September 28. The first program on September 12 was packed. Fifteen attended. There was a wait list of 15. There was enough materials remaining after the first program, so we’ve planned the second. We’re not advertising the program, as the number of people on the wait list will fill up the second class.
The following is a wrap up of Summer and Early Fall Programming to date:
- Adult Reading Logs - 170 entries from 50 adults.
- Youth Reading Logs - 115 entries from 60 participants in the readers category.
- Preschool Reading Logs - 120 entries from 45 participants in the listeners category.
- Bicycle Safety Class 2 presenters on June 1: 11 children with 6 adults from 4 families.
- U of I Cooking Class 2 presenters; June 3-7; 14 children.
- Leather Apron Club (Homeschool Reading Group), June 6 had 8 children. Sept 5 had 10 children.
- Preschool Story Time- June 14 had 9 children; June 21 had 4 children; June 28 had 5; Sept 6 had 10; Sept 13 had 5.
Building Use
Marion County Assessor Mark Miller had a packed house for the property tax educational program. He rented the large meeting room for the evening.
Marion County Clerk Steve Fox has the large meeting room reserved for 2 days. October 2, he will hold a meeting between parties involved in coordinating the election process and law enforcement. Election judges are training October 21.
Tax Levy
The annual levy request was submitted to the City, as is customary. Finance Director Keli Roth is claiming that in the past, the City has given the Library an excess of $7,000 that should have been spent for IMRF. The bulk of that amount is left from the FY23 year, during which Kim Baldridge retired and Marty Leuty passed away early in the fiscal year. This is mainly a heads up. Bryan-Bennett’s IMRF request is not actually part of the levy. It is money that the City usually just passes through to Bryan-Bennett Library.
She also advised that the Medicare and Social Security requests should be separate – as the Library did in this year’s request.
The Council approved the general levy that the Library requested, as well as the Social Security and the .02 percent building levy.
The Library Director’s annual report of vacation and sick time taken accompanies this report.
The search for a page is continuing. The lead candidate took another job.
September 11, Bryan-Bennett Library hosted an inaugural meeting of the South Central Illinois Library Directors, a newly formed networking group. Board members present were: President Gary Hahn, Vice President Kasey Angeloni, Mark Decker and Lynn Larimer. Tony Hayden from Lazerware talked to the group about the Windows Operating System sunset in later 2025 and the law requiring all government websites to be ADA compliant that goes into effect in 2027. Elen Popit and John Kirchner, both from Illinois Heartland Library System, also addressed the group. Bryan-Bennett staff present were: Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle, Programming Coordinator Karen Shanafelt, and Director Kim Keller. Representatives from other libraries included: Fairfield, Centralia, Mt. Vernon, Effingham and Flora.
Notes from Per Capita Grant Review
Chapter 4 Access
- Regarding Access Standard 1, Bryan-Bennett Library will be assessing how to make its website ADA accessible, per the legal standards that will activate in 2027.
- Regarding Access Standard 2, Bryan-Bennett Library has a little over 13,000 square feet of active space to serve patrons. Rounding up, 14,000 square feet, divided by 500 as recommended in the specified formula, is 28 parking spaces. Bryan-Bennett has 32 spaces in its north parking lot and 13 in its south lot. Two spaces on the north side are designated handicapped. There are 5 street-side spaces, with 2 marked handicapped accessible.
- Interior and exterior lighting has been updated in the last 3 years at the Library.
- Bryan-Bennett will undergo a major technology upgrade, when all computers are replaced.
- Bryan-Bennett Library is open 46 hours per week.
- Bryan-Bennett Library meets all accessibility standards.
Building Infrastructure and Maintenance Chapter 5
- Regarding Standard 1, inventory of facility systems, the Library director would like to have a new chart of the electric system created.
- The maintenance checklist and facility plan will be updated by the end of the year.
- The library maintains a portion of the annual budget for maintenance and is proactive in identifying areas for improvement. The library has set aside part of its reserve for needed building improvements.
- Bryan-Bennett Library meets the basic standards. Updating plans and lists is an annual process.
Safety Chapter 6
- The Library has updates its emergency call lists with service providers.
- The Library will post updated floor plans that lists emergency resources.
- The disaster recovery plan was updated 2 years ago, but will be reviewed this spring.
- The Library could provide some emergency training for staff.
- The Library Director will see out possible security camera policies.
Respectfully submitted by,
Kim Keller