Bryan-Bennett Library

March 19, 2024


Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting 

March 19, 2024, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room 


Call to Order, Roll Call of Trustees 

Bryan-Bennett Library Board President Ed Dolbeare called the March 19, 2024, meeting of the Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees to order at 6:30 p.m. Trustees answering the roll call were; Mark Decker, Jennifer Dice, Ed Dolbeare, Gary Hahn, and Lynn Larimer. Trustees absent were Brad Crow, Marilyn Lewis, Joyce Raver and Gayla Wilkerson. Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle were also present. 

Public Comment 


Secretary’s Report 

Approval of the February 20, 2024, Board Meetings Minutes 

Board members looked over the draft of the minutes from the February 20, 2024, meeting. Minutes were accepted with the change of adding Gary Hahn to the attendees. Trustee Dice made the motion to accept the minutes with the change and Trustee Hahn seconded the motion. All Trustees voted yes, and the motion was carried. 

Treasurer’s Report 

Payment of February 2024 Bills 

Board members looked over the February 2024 bills list. Trustee Decker moved to approve the list, totaling $21,439.27. Trustee Hahn seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. All trustees voted yes. Motion carried. 

Financial Report for February 2024 

The Board looked over the Financial Report for February 2024. Trustee Hahn made a motion to approve the Financial Report and Trustee Decker seconded that motion. Roll call vote was taken. All Trustees voted yes. The motion carried. 

Asset, Memorial Fund and Donation Report for February 2024 

Trustees read over the asset, memorial fund and donation reports. The proposed $15,000 transfer has yet to be transferred. No other comments were made. 

Friends of the Bryan-Bennett Library Report 

Laura Crain, President of the Friends of the Bryan-Bennett Library (FOBBL) gave an update about activities of the group. Improvements to the bookroom have been completed. The Friends are hoping to add a section of puzzles available for trade. President Crain indicated that a core group of volunteers have worked tirelessly to make the many improvements. The FOBBL is donating money towards the Mad Scientist Program this summer. They’ve also donated $50 to Programs Director Karen Shanafelt to use at her discretion. The Friends are also helping non-residents with the cost of their library cards. National Library Week begins April 7, and surprises await. 

Committee Reports 


Policy- none 

Personnel- none 

Building and Grounds- Work has begun on the buildings and grounds. A workday was held on Saturday March 16. 7 volunteers were present. 

New Business 

Computer Replacement Project 

A motion was made by Trustee Decker and seconded by Trustee Larimer to proceed with the computer replacement program and use Lazerware Inc. as they are already familiar with the library's systems. All members voted yes, and the motion carried. 

Planetarium During Eclipse Weekend 

Signs for the library’s Planetarium Experience will be placed at Salem Township Hospital along with U Camp and Sweeny Corner. Trustees have signed up to volunteer during the eclipse weekend. We are all hoping to see many new faces during that time. 

Responsibilities of Committee Members 

Library Director Keller will provide a written list of responsibilities of Committee members of the Board. 


Programs Director Shanafelt is currently using the library’s Chromebooks for some of her programs. 

Strategic Development Plan 

The Strategic Development Plan has been tabled until the April meeting. There were several members absent at the March meeting and further discussion was postponed. 

Unfinished Business 

MLK Day 

The decision pertaining to the closing of Bryan Bennett Library on Martin Luther King Jr. Day will be discussed at the June 2024 meeting. 

Planetarium Experience 

676 patrons have now participated in the Planetarium Experience. Classes from several school districts have taken advantage of our unique opportunity. A laser pointer and new microphone will be purchased for use in the Planetarium before the Eclipse weekend. 

William Jennings Bryan Festival Update 

Per Trustee Decker, the William Jennings Bryan Festival will be held on Saturday July 19, 2025. The library will join forces with Salem’s annual Family Day in the Park. Assistant library director Trinkle has actively been ordering books about William Jennings Bryan in preparation for the upcoming Bryan festival. 

HVAC Replacement 

The Board has decided against taking a loan from the city at a 3% interest rate to replace the library's HVAC system. The decision to replace the older systems, starting with the Genealogy Room and slowly replacing all needed systems over the next several years out of our existing budget, was agreed on by all. 


Director’s Report- See attached report 


Board Member’s Report- None 


Closed Session 

A motion to move out of open session and into closed session was made by Trustee Decker and seconded by Trustee Dice at 7:58 p.m. 

Open Session Reconvened 

Open session was called back to order at 9 p.m. by President Dolbeare.

Roll Call- Present were Mark Decker, Jennifer Dice, Ed Dolbeare, Gary Hahn and Lynn Larimer. Director Kim Keller and Assistant Director Jodi Trinkle were also present. 

Raise- Director Keller’s wage will be increased 3.2%.  

Evaluation Results- The Personnel Committee will meet with Director Keller to discuss her evaluation results. 


A motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Dice and seconded by Trustee Decker. All were in favor and the meeting ended at 9:02 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted by, 

Jennifer Dice 

Board Secretary 

Bryan-Bennett Library Director’s Report for March 19, 2024

HVAC Loan Request

I asked the City Council about the request for a no-interest loan to fund replacement of 5 HVACs all at once. The discussion was tabled. At the recommendation of the Interim City Manager and the City Finance Director, the Council favored a 3% interest rate on the loan if it were granted. At the Council meeting, it was explained that when all other City Departments loan each other money, a 3% interest rate is applied to the transaction.

Programming, Building Use

On Monday, the Planetarium Experience marked its 676th guest. Two large Centralia School Classes and Apostolic Academy Preschoolers have attended the program. Classes to visit over the next couple of weeks are: Salem Elementary second and third graders; the remainder of the Apostolic Academy students; Salem High School Special Education and Freshman Science Students; and Iuka Grades 3, 4, and 5.

About 160 election Judges trained at the Library on March 5.

Lori Bear, a representative of Representative Wilhour’s office, continues to hold hours once a month.

The Garden Club has resumed monthly meetings.

Program Director Shanafelt is working on Summer Reading Program, is putting together a Touch-A-Truck program for May 31, and has schedule the appearance of Mad Science for July 18.

The Leather Apron Club and Preschool Story Times are continuing on schedule.


We’ve had some unusual patron issues, including a domestic in which the police were called. In that same situation, there was a strong pot odor that lingered strongly throughout the building.

I attended an Erate workshop in Flora on February 22. The Form 471 for Year 2024-2025 was filed.

Walmart donated 4 boxes of “Valentine” themed items.

One staff member has been out for illness for a week.

Respectfully submitted by, Kim Keller