April 16, 2019
Bryan-Bennett Library
Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2019
Call to order
President Jane Gaston called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 6:32 PM with the following trustees present: Tom Champion, Jane Gaston, Joyce Hahn, Lynn Larimer, Joyce Raver and Gayla Wilkerson. Also, in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller. Trustees Jack McGuire, Jane Mordecai and Ann Wilzbach were absent. There were no visitors. No public comment.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the March 19, 2019, Board meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Larimer with a second by Trustee Raver. All present approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was presented. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Trustee Larimer with a second by Trustee Champion. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
The bills for April 2019 totaling $16,851.48 were examined and approved on a motion by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Champion. All present voted “yes” on call.
Committee Reports
No reports at this time
New Business
- Report on development of Volunteer Program – Director Keller presented the Board with a draft of guidelines for a Bryan-Bennett Library Volunteer Program. The Board will review the guidelines and discuss the program at a future meeting.
Unfinished Business
- Third Reading for Room Rental Policy Revision-Board members reviewed revisions to the Room Rental Policy, with the addition of a checklist for individuals renting rooms and a reduction in the rental fee. The fee would be set at $50. Trustee Champion made a motion to approve the updated Room Rental Policy. Trustee Larimer seconded the motion. All present voted “yes.”
Proposed Fiscal Year 2020 Budget-Board members reviewed changes made to the budget at the March meeting. The proposed budget was held over until the May meeting.
Director’s Report
Director Keller reviewed activities of the Library over the past month.
Board Members’ Reports
Board Treasurer Joyce Hahn announced that the April meeting would be her last, as she has decided not to accept another term on the Board. Trustee Hahn has served on the Board for 15 years. Board members thanked Trustee Hahn for her service, noting that she has been an outstanding supporter of the Library and its programming.
President Gaston reported on a matching grant opportunity with Modern Woodmen of America, in which the organization will match Library funds up to $2,500. This grant would finance the purchase new shelves. Money from the Bryan-Bennett Memorial Fund will be used as the Library’s match. The $1,510 collected as a memorial for Trustee Hahn’s husband, Robert “Bob” Hahn, will be the largest part of the matching funds for Bryan-Bennett. The late Mr. Hahn was a devoted supporter of the Library, its programs and its Friends of the Library group. Gaston will be in contact with Modern Woodmen Representative Jane Wayer to set up the check presentation.
Motion by Trustee Raver, with a Second by Trustee Larimer, to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 PM. All present agreed.
Respectfully submitted,
Gayla Wilkerson BBL Board Secretary