Bryan-Bennett Library

August 16, 2022


Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting

August 16, 2022, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room 

Call to Order and Roll Call of Trustees

At 6:37 p.m., Board President Jane Gaston called to order the August 16, 2022, meeting of the Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees. Trustees present at roll call were: Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Gary Hahn, Lynn Larimer, Jack McGuire, Joyce Raver, and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustee Jennifer Dice was absent. Library Director Kim Keller was present. 

Remembering Marty Leuty, employee of Bryan-Bennett Library.

Board President Gaston spoke about Mr. Leuty, who died August 6, 2022. She cited gracious comments that the public recorded about Mr. Leuty on Facebook. Mrs. Gaston told the Board about some of the details she learned when speaking with Mr. Leuty’s family at his visitation and memorial service. 

Public Comment

There was no public comment. 

Secretary’s Report: Approval of July 19, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes

Trustee McGuire made a motion to approve the July 19, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes. Trustee Dolbeare seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all present voted “Yes.” Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report

Payment of August 2022 Bills

Trustee Wilkerson made a motion to approve the August 2022 Bills Payable, which totaled $23,757.08. Trustee Hahn seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all present voted “Yes.” Motion carried. 

Financial Report for July 2022

The Board reviewed the financial report for July 2022, with calculation corrections made at the Board’s July 19, 2022, meeting. A motion was made by Trustee Hahn, with a second by Trustee Larimer, to approve the July 2022 report. Upon a roll call vote, all present voted “Yes.” Motion carried. 

Financial Report for August 2022

The Board reviewed the Financial Report for August 2022. Trustee Raver made a motion to approve the report, with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. Upon a roll call vote, all present voted “Yes.” Motion carried. 

Asset Report for August 2022

The Board reviewed the Asset Report for August 2022. Trustee Hahn made a motion to approve the report, with Trustee McGuire seconding. A roll call vote was held. All voted “Yes.” Motion carried.

Committee Reports

There were no reports from the Finance, Policy, and Personnel committees.

The Building and Grounds Committee report on the roof project was held until the Unfinished Business part of the meeting. 

President Gaston reported that she will have committee assignments at the September Board meeting. 

New Business 

Property Tax Levy Request for Taxes payable in 2023

The Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees reviewed a draft of a letter requesting the annual levy that the City Council passes each year in December. This year’s levy will be for taxes payable in 2023. Trustees asked for a levy that is equal to 0.15% for Library operations and equal to 0.02% for the Library building, when compared to the latest estimates available for the total equalized assessed valuation for the City of Salem.

In the letter, the Library Board also requested: a levy at $10,900 for IMRF; $9,600 for Social Security; $50,000 of sales tax revenue; and $11,180 of Personal Property Replacement Tax revenue. 

Trustee McGuire made the motion to approve the levy request. Trustee Wilkerson seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all present voted “Yes.” Motion carried. 

Library Holidays in 2023

The Board reviewed a proposed Library Holiday schedule for 2023. All dates were specified in Library policy. The schedule stated that Bryan-Bennett Library will be closed on the following dates:

  • New Year’s Day, Monday, January 2
  • President’s Day, Monday, February 20
  • Good Friday, April 7
  • Memorial Day, Monday, May 29
  • Independence Holiday, Tuesday, July 4
  • Labor Day, Monday, September 4
  • Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11
  • Thanksgiving Holiday, Thursday, November 23, and Friday, November 24
  • Christmas Holiday, Saturday, December 23; Monday, December 25; and Tuesday, December 26

The schedule also stated that the Library will close early on the day before Thanksgiving, on Wednesday, November 22, at 5 p.m.

A motion was made by Trustee Raver to approve the proposed 2023 Holiday schedule. Trustee Wilkerson seconded the motion. All trustees present voted, “Yes.” Motion carried. 

Report of Fall Programing

Trustees reviewed a report of the planned fall programs that was prepared by Programs Director Karen Shanafelt. 

Unfinished Business

Booher Tin Shop Proposal for installation of 2 rooftop HVAC units

The Board reviewed a proposal from Booher Tin Shop for installation of 2 new roof-top heating and cooling units. They will replace units that are no longer operational.

This work had been approved earlier in the year. But, due to industry supply chain complications, the units will cost more than originally anticipated. The new cost of the units and installation will be $20,885.

Trustee Dolbeare made a motion to accept the updated Booher proposal for the project. Trustee McGuire seconded. All present voted in favor of the revised proposal. The motion carried. Trustee Hahn was asked to deliver the acceptance document, signed by Board President Gaston, to the Booher office.

 Approval of the proposed scope of the roof reconstruction project

The Board discussed changing the work involved in the roof replacement project. Originally, the project entailed replacing the roofing over the circulation area and the Davenport Room. A bid letting earlier this year drew proposals that exceeded the architect’s estimated project cost. The changes the Board members discussed took into consideration budgetary limitations. 

Board members wanted to see proposals that addressed 2 alternatives: total replacement of roofing in the 2 work areas; or, total replacement of the roof that was in the worst condition and patching the area that was not as worn out. Board members also specified documentation that proposals must contain to be considered for the contract.

Trustee Dolbeare made a motion to approve the changes in the project’s scope. Trustee Hahn seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all trustees voted “Yes.” Motion carried.

Approval of revised agreement with ADG

The Board discussed a document revising an agreement with ADG Architecture and Design Group LTD of Mt. Carmel, Illinois. The original agreement was dated February 14, 2022. In the revisions, ADG will provide additional professional architectural services to revise construction documents and re-bid the roof project for $1,500 in addition to the previously agreed upon amount of $9,000. The revised total cost of architectural services will be $10,500.

Trustee Wilkerson made a motion to approve the revised agreement. Trustee Larimer seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all trustees voted “Yes.” Motion carried.

 Procedure to transfer funds during roof project

President Gaston requested that Board Treasurer Gayla Wilkerson be authorized to transfer funds when roof project bills must be paid. A motion was made by Trustee Larimer, with a second by Trustee McGuire, to authorize Board Treasurer Wilkerson to transfer funds from Peoples State Bank to the Library’s Marion County Savings Bank operational account, after the Board approves a bill associated with the roof project.

Upon a roll call vote, all voted “Yes.” Motion carried.

 Vacancy on Library Board

Board members discussed the open seat on the Library Board, which was left vacant when a trustee declined another term in April. A name was presented to President Gaston, who would submit to the mayor a candidate’s name.

Director’s Report

The Library Director noted she had sent the trustees digital copies of the Serving Our Public: Library Standards book. Review of these chapters is required for the annual Per Capita Grant application.

The director gave the trustees a copy of the liability waiver for participants in an exercise program at the Library. The document will be reviewed by the City Attorney.

The director noted the Library has received its Personal Property Replacement Tax in the amount of $11,180 and the E-Rate Grant money in the amount of $537.60.

The director gave the Library Board a copy of the revised employment application, which needed a couple of updates.

The director reported about attending a webinar regarding dealing with unattended children.

The director reported that Gossett is working on a picture of May Davenport and Minor League is printing the lettering for the Davenport room.

Board Members’ Reports

Board President Gaston asked that Program Director Karen Shanafelt look into purchasing books that can be distributed to youngsters participating in the Santa event in December. She wanted to see every child receive a new book at Christmastime.


Trustee McGuire made a motion to adjourn the meeting, with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. All trustees voted in favor. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

 Respectfully submitted by,

Lynn Larimer, Board Secretary