Bryan-Bennett Library

June 21, 2022


Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting

June 21, 2022, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room

Call to Order

Board President Jane Gaston called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. on June 21, 2022, in the Board room.

Roll Call of Trustees

Trustees present were: Jennifer Dice, Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Gary Hahn, Lynn Larimer, Joyce Raver, and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustee Jack McGuire was absent. Library Director Kim Keller was also present.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Secretary’s Report

Trustee Hahn made a motion to approve the May 17, 2022, Full Board Meeting Minutes. Trustee Wilkerson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Bills Payable and Treasurer’s Report

Trustee Hahn made a motion to pay the June 2022 bills, which totaled $20,749.37. Trustee Raver seconded the motion. All present answered “yes” in a roll call vote. The motion carried.

The Financial Report for June 2022 was reviewed. President Gaston made several corrections to the budget column of the Financial Report. Trustee Wilkerson made a motion to accept the Financial Report, as corrected. Trustee Dolbeare seconded the motion. All present answered “yes” in a roll call vote. The motion carried.

The Asset Report for June 2022 was reviewed. President Gaston corrected a total in the Donation Fund. Trustee Hahn made a motion to approve the Asset Report, as corrected. Trustee Dolbeare seconded the motion. All trustees answered “yes” in a roll call vote. The motion carried.


Committee Reports

There were no reports from the Finance, Policy, and Personnel Committees.

Under the Building and Grounds Committee Update, Trustee Hahn and Board President Gaston updated the Board on the Roof Project. A pre-bid meeting was held June 9 at the Library. A bid opening had been schedule for June 21, but was postponed until June 28, due to an update in the project specifications. Board members were told that contractors warned of an uncertainty of prices for materials. Because of the volatile market for materials, contractors have been quoting the current available material prices at the date of the bid opening and presenting documentation regarding materials.

New Business

Semi-annual decision regarding the possible opening of closed session minutes. Trustee Larimer made a motion to keep all closed session minutes closed. Trustee Raver seconded the motion. All trustees voted “yes.” The motion carried.

Trustees reviewed a proposed job description for an Acquisitions, Bookkeeping, Circulation position. Director Keller told the Board that a newly hired employee had been training to fulfill these tasks. That new employee was hired at minimum wage at 18 hours per week. Director Gaston presented Board members with the existing description of an assistant director and indicated the bookkeeping and acquisition duties should be kept under the “Assistant Director” title.

The proposed Acquisitions, Bookkeeping, Circulation job description was tabled for 3 months. The job title and salary will be evaluated at that time.

Board members expressed concerns about the new employee having enough hours to accomplish the acquisitions and bookkeeping tasks. Trustee Dolbeare made a motion to increase the new employee’s weekly scheduled hours to 25, effective June 27. Trustee Dice seconded the motion. All trustees present voted “yes.” The motion carried.

Unfinished Business

Updates to the Personnel Policy was listed on the agenda, but no discussion was conducted, as the policy had been updated in February 2022.

Director’s Report

Director Keller informed the Board that she had submitted an application to the Heartland Library System, which is working with Western Illinois University, to offer three libraries in the state 4 Chromebooks to lend to patrons.

Tallies for the Friends bag sale in June netted $44. The sale in May, which was the first bag sale since the Covid epidemic, earned $153.87, the Director reported.

Programming updates mentioned by the Director included:

  • Gabe Snow, the son of Justin and Hailey Snow, was the first to complete the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program at Bryan-Bennett Library. Bryan-Bennett presented the youngster with a $25 cash prize for being the first to complete the program. 
  • Mad Science from St. Louis entertained a group of 56 (38 of which was children) on June 9. The theme of the program was “Walk on the Moon.”
  • Other Summer Reading Program activities mentioned were: Crafterafternoons, One-On-One Tutoring (for technology such as smart phones and eReading devices), Preschool Story Times and 2 Saturday Story Times.
  • Twenty-two attended the Bryan-Bennett Walk at the Library on May 21. The crowd seemed pleased with the presentations by Physical Therapist Kara Sellers and Walking Competition veteran Tom Champion. With the positive feedback, Program Director Shanafelt is planning to build on this year’s events and prepare a Library Olympics in 2023.

Staffing updates mentioned by the Director included:

  • Kim Baldridge’s last day will be June 30. Ice cream cake will be served at 1 p.m. on June 30.
  • Jody Trinkle started training with Kim Baldridge on June 10 to learn various aspects of purchasing books and prepping them for circulation. During the past week, training also involved deposits and writing checks.
  • Two other staff members were out on various shifts due to medical emergencies in their families.

The Illinois Public Library Annual Report was submitted to the State Library and to the City. A copy of the Tax Levy Request was submitted with the report delivered to the City.

Heartland Human Services will be hosting a Caregiver Support Group at Bryan-Bennett on the third Tuesday of a month.

Election Judges were training at the Library on June 13, 14, and 21.

The Chamber will hold a luncheon at the Library on June 23 at noon.

Board Members’ Reports

Board President Gaston and Trustee Raver encouraged the trustees to move ahead on installing signage in the Davenport Room (large meeting room). President Gaston wanted to use unencumbered memorial fund money to pay for the signage and installation of a nicely framed picture of Mae Davenport, who was the first Director of Bryan-Bennett Library. Director Keller was asked to check on the cost of signage similar to the lettering designating The William Jennings Bryan Reading.


Trustee Wilkerson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Trustee Hahn seconded the motion. All trustees present voted “yes.” The motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Lynn Larimer

Board Secretary