Bryan-Bennett Library

June 19, 2018

Bryan-Bennett Library

Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

June 19, 2018


Call to order

President Gaston called the regular monthly library board meeting to order at 6:30 pm with the following trustees present: Jane Gaston, Joyce Hahn, Lynn Larimer, Jane Mordecai, Joyce Raver and Ann Wilzbach. Trustees Tom Champion, Jack McGuire and Gayla Wilkerson were absent. Also in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Director Kim Baldridge. There were no visitors.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the May 2018 meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Larimer. All present approved.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s report was approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Mordecai with a second by Trustee Hahn. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

The bills for June 2018 totaling $21,455.09 were examined and approved on a motion by Trustee Larimer with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

A motion to transfer $20,000.00 from the Money Market account into the Checking account for the purpose of paying the June bills was made by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee Raver. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

Committee Reports

  1. Building and Grounds- No report at this time.
  2. Finance-No report at this time.
  3. Personnel- Personnel Chairwoman Raver reminded the board to return their Director’s Evaluation form she sent to them by the first of next week.
  4. Policy-No report at this time.

New Business

A. Review of Proposal for replacing toilet in Women’s rest room-Director Keller presented an estimate from T & S Plumbing and Contracting, LLC for replacement of a toilet in the women’s rest room that has been leaking due to a crack. The estimate was for $225.00. A motion to accept the bid from T & S Plumbing and Contracting, LLC of $225.00 for toilet replacement was made by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

B. Semi-Annual vote on Closed Session Minutes-A motion to keep Closed Session Minutes closed was made by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee Mordecai. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

C. Review of Proposal regarding resurfacing parking lot on the south side of Library building-Director Keller presented a proposal on the project from Jax Asphalt Company. She also informed the board that she had checked with City Manager Gruen and Public Works Director Pruden on the subject of resurfacing the south parking lot. They suggested the library hire an engineer to work on the project to ensure that is it completed to code standards. She also informed the board that the representative from Jax suggested to only crack fill the north parking lot at this time. Then when the south lot is done this year both lots can be cleaned and re-sealed next year at the same time. This will ensure that both lots maintain the same look. A motion to accept the bid on the north parking lot for only crack filling at $1,661.00 from Jax Asphalt Company was made by Trustee Hahn with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call. Director Keller was instructed to get some estimates on the cost of an engineer and to check with the city if they would want to install a curb along the street side of the south parking lot. Resurfacing the south lot was then tabled until such information is available for discussion.

Unfinished Business

  1. Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-Director Keller presented the board the proposed budget for Fiscal year 2019 with the changes that President Gaston requested at last month’s meeting. The board then examined and discussed the budget. A motion to accept the proposed budget as presented with one more change of an increase of $5,000.00 to Line Item 315-00 Grounds Maintenance: Grounds/Parking Lot for a total of $10,000.00 in this line item bringing the total budget to $238,958.51 was made by Trustee Mordecai with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

Director’s Report

Following up on President Gaston’s instruction to contact the Illinois Attorney General to find out if the City is compelled by law to give Bryan-Bennett all the IMRF that it requests, Director Keller contacted 3 separate Attorney General offices, each one had a specialized function. None of the offices would give an opinion regarding the question as library and tax law was not their specialties. Director Keller then contacted the outreach coordinator at the Illinois State Library, Ryan Franklin. Ms. Franklin advised that because the library is a department of the City, the City is obligated to give the library what the City promises when the City certifies its levy. But since our library is a municipal library, it is subject to the same financial budgeting process as the other departments.

The last of the tax revenue for Fiscal Year 2018 will be forwarded to the library later in June. This amount will be $7,292.56.

Recent activities at the library include:

  • The Library’s Afternoon Tea on May 21. Debi Champion of Country Creek Treasures presented a program on the varieties of tea. Wal-Mart donated sandwiches for the event. The tea had 28 in attendance.
  • Six people attended the book signing by Cindy Ervin Huff.
  • Ten people attended the first Friends of the Bryan-Bennett Library Book Club on June 16. The book under discussion was Little Women. Char Heskett made cookies for the event.

Upcoming activities include:

  • The Route 50 Coalition will meet on June 21 in the board room.
  • Dale Wagoner is holding another art class on Wednesdays beginning on June 20. It will run for 6 weeks.
  • The next Friends of the Bryan-Bennet Library Book Club meeting will be held on July 18 at 1 pm. The book under discussion this time will be Gone with the wind.
  • The Summer Reading Program will begin on July 5. Fun activities for all ages are planned. A copy of the June newsletter with all the details is included in the board packets this month.

Lauren Woodward started work as the new Program Assistant on June 4.

Director Keller attended the May 17th Chamber luncheon for outgoing Executive Director Leonard Ferguson.

Director Keller will finish the Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR) with the next week.

Board Members’ Reports

President Gaston saw reports in the newspaper of the state awarding the “Back to books” grant to local libraries. She asked Director Keller if BBL had applied. Director Keller replied that the grant had not been applied for as work load did not allow time for the process.

Trustee Raver noticed that the Community Garden is falling in to disrepair. It needs fence lines and the curb line cleaned up. She requested that City Manager Gruen be made aware that whoever is responsible for maintaining the lot is not doing so.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee Larimer. All agreed. The meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Kim Baldridge                                                                                                                                                            BBL Assistant Director