July 20, 2021, Full Board Meeting
Bryan-Bennett Library
Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2021
Call to order
President Jane Gaston called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 6:37 PM with the following trustees present: Tom Champion, Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Gary Hahn, and Joyce Raver. Trustee Lynn Larimer arrived at 6:41 PM. Trustees Jack McGuire, Gayla Wilkerson, and Ann Wilzbach were absent. Also in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Library Director Kim Baldridge. Ray Booher was a visitor.
HVAC Assessment by Ray Booher
Mr. Booher, representing Booher’s Tin Shop, Inc., presented the board with estimates on replacing the library’s HVAC system and information of the current condition of the system. There are ten units total and all are twenty-one years old. He then answered questions from the board. The board will take this information under consideration and decide on how to proceed in the future with an HVAC replacement plan.
Public Comment-None at this time.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the June 15, 2021 meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Hahn. All present approved.
The minutes of the Trustee Workshop on July 1, 2021 were approved on a motion by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Raver. All present approved.
The treasurer’s report for July 2021 was presented. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Trustee Hahn with a second by Trustee Larimer. All voted “yes” on roll call.
The bills for July 2021 totaling $22,835.80 were examined and approved on a motion by Trustee Larimer with a second by Trustee Champion. All voted “yes” on roll call.
Committee Reports
No reports at this time. A date and time for the next Policy Workshop as a whole board was set on August 2, 2021 from 1-4 PM to continue discussion of changes in the Personnel Policy.
New Business
- Request by DAR to use a meeting room on the Third Monday of each month from August 2021 to August 2022 with the exception of February 2022-A motion to allow the DAR to meet in a meeting room on the Third Monday of each month from August 2021 to August 2022 with the exception of February 2022 and contingent upon the library not needing that room for its own programs and with the understanding by DAR that the library has NO audio/visual equipment to loan the DAR for its programs was made by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Raver. All present approved.
- Request by Director to carry over five unused vacation days after full-time anniversary of September 12-A motion to allow Director Keller to carry over five unused vacations days after her full-time anniversary date of September 12, 2021 was made by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Hahn. All present approved.
- Proposed Non-Resident Card for Kids Policy-A policy for Non-resident Kids Card was presented to the board by Director Keller. A motion to approve the policy which follows the guidelines set by Illinois State Statues ( Illinois Local Library Act’s section in 75 ILCS 16/30-55-60) was made by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Larimer. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
- Proposed Non-Resident Card for Veterans Policy-Director Keller presented a policy on the Non-Resident Card for Veterans Policy. A motion to approve the policy as presented was made by Trustee Hahn with a second by Trustee Larimer. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
Unfinished Business
None at this time.
Director’s Report
Director Keller has submitted the quarterly reports for the Back to Books grant and the Construction Grant. The remainder of the Construction grant will be used to install a new water fountain.
With all the heavy rain a leak was found in the FOBBL room. Director Keller has been in contact with Joiner’s and they will send someone out to determine the cause.
BBL has been notified on the status of the Per Capita Grant. The amount this year will be around $11,000.00.
Director Keller updated the board about the upcoming Voices and Votes program that will begin on August 28 at 11 AM.
The lost of two circulation clerks has resulted in the hiring of two new clerks who will begin work on Monday, pending the completion of background checks. Each one will work 12 hours per week. Another person has been offered a position but wanted a “couple of days” to think it over.
Director Keller held a Staff meeting on June 28. A review of best practices for circulation was the topic discussed.
Director Keller updated the board on the current status of the Summer Reading Program and listed stats for the programs that have already taken placed. The board felt that most of these programs were out-of-date and that next year’s programs should be “modernized” and advertising should be done sooner and more aggressively.
Board Members Reports
No reports at this time.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Hahn. All present agreed. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Kim Baldridge, BBL Assistant Director