November 15, 2022
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
November 15, 2022, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room
Call to Order and Roll Call of Trustees
At 6:35 p.m., Board President Jane Gaston called to order the November 15, 2022, meeting of the Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees. Trustees responding to roll call were: Brad Crow, Jane Gaston, Jack McGuire, Joyce Raver, and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustees Lynn Larimer and Ed Dolbeare entered the meeting at approximately 6:45 p.m. Trustees absent were: Jennifer Dice and Gary Hahn. Library Director Kim Keller was present.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Secretary’s Report
The Board reviewed minutes of the October 18, 2022, Board meeting. Trustee Wilkerson moved to approve the minutes, with a second by Trustee McGuire. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Payment of November 2022 Bills
The Board reviewed the November 2022 Bills List, which totaled $36,869.78. Trustee McGuire moved to approve the bills, with a second by Trustee Crow. A roll call vote was conducted. All trustees present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Financial Report for November 2022
The Board reviewed the Financial Report for November 2022. This was the first monthly Financial Report produced from Quickbooks. Board President Jane Gaston questioned the split of some line items. President Gaston asked Treasurer Gayla Wilkerson to check into the tallies. President Gaston questioned why a $200,000 funds transfer was not posted to the revenue section of the budget entered in the Library’s Quickbooks Record. She stated the report was not accurate without the $200,000 entry. The report was tabled pending checks on the line item tallies and posting the funds transfer.
Asset, Memorial Fund & Donations Reports for November 2022
The Board reviewed monthly reports of the Assets, Memorial Fund and Donations. Trustee Larimer moved to accept the reports as presented. Trustee Wilkerson seconded. All present voted, “yes.” Motion carried.
Committee Reports
There were no reports from the Finance, Policy and Personnel Committees.
Building and Grounds Committee
Roof Project
Protocol for authorization of change orders during the roof replacement: The Board discussed the protocol for change orders that might occur during the roof project that was scheduled to start at the end of November. Trustee Larimer moved to authorize the Building Committee to meet, review and authorize change orders, as necessary. Trustee McGuire seconded the motion. A roll call vote was conducted, with all present voting “yes.” Motion carried.
December meeting to pay roof project bill
The Board discussed the protocol for paying bills during the roof work. Trustee McGuire made a motion to authorize the Finance Committee to meet in December to pay the bills so that necessary contractual deadlines could be met and present those bills to the Full Board for approval in January. Trustee Larimer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was conducted, with all present voting “yes.” Motion carried.
New Business
Staff Christmas – The Board discussed giving gift cards to staff in honor of the Christmas holiday. This has been the practice for several years. The Board agreed to give staff, who were employed at the Library more than 6 months as of November 30, 2022, a $50 gift card each. Staff who were at the Library less than 6 months would be given a $25 gift card each. Trustee Dolbeare made the motion to authorize the gift cards. Trustee McGuire seconded. A roll call vote was conducted. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Booher HVAC Proposal for Unit Damaged in Fire
The Board discussed a proposal from Booher’s Tin Shop, Inc. to replace the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning unit that was damaged in a fire in October. The project would cost $12,965. Trustee Larimer moved to accept the proposal from Booher’s Tin Shop. Trustee Wilkerson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was conducted. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Solar Panels
Board President Jane Gaston reported that the City of Salem recently talked to a company about installing solar panels on City-owned buildings. She asked Director Keller to contact AGE Affordable Gas and Electric to look at the Library roof and come to the Board’s January meeting to discuss the possibility of installing solar panels.
Unfinished Business
The Board discussed points in several chapters of Our Public 4.0 – Standards for Public Libraries. This review is required for the 2023 Per Capita Grant Application. Chapters reviewed were:
- Chapter 7: Collection Management
- Appendix H: Topics Recommended for Collection Management
- Appendix I: Collection Management Worksheet
- Chapter 9: Public Services: Reference and Reader’s Advisory Services
- Chapter 10: Programming
- Chapter 11: Youth/Young Adult Services
- Chapter 12: Technology
- Chapter 13: Marketing, Promotion, and Collaboration
Director’s Report
The Director reported on a discussion with Deanna Purcell at Kane Insurance. She said that the Library would not be able to purchase a rider or some other type of coverage that would make possible for small groups to rent rooms at the Library. Bryan-Bennett’s room usage policy requires groups renting a room to provide liability insurance for their event. The main concept is to remove the liability for an event, which is not sponsored by the Library, away from the City’s insurance.
The Library Board instructed the director not to take on any additional activities that would cause any additional liability regarding building use. The Board specified that, as of January 1, 2023, no additional activities could be hosted at the Library without the hosting party securing insurance that would list the City and the Library as co-insureds. Trustee McGuire made a motion not to take on any additional activities that would cause any additional liability as of January 1, 2023. Trustee Wilkerson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was conducted. All present voted “yes.” Motion carried.
Director Keller reported:
The Library Crawl concluded at the end of October. Ten Bryan-Bennett patrons participated. Two Centralia patrons signed up for the program at Bryan-Bennett, because Centralia was not participating. Other visitors to Bryan-Bennett were from: Cobden, Maryville, 2 from Mt. Vernon, 3 from Breese, Kinmundy, 2 from O’Fallon, and Troy.
Forty-nine families registered at Bryan-Bennett for the Adopt-A-Family program.
Election judges trained at Bryan-Bennett on October 24.
IHLS Consultant Anna Yackel visited Bryan-Bennett Library October 28. The System visits libraries on occasion to network.
Kathie Garren was hired to fill an open circulation position.
Several activities featured in the Bryan-Bennett Library Newsletter were noted.
The Director presented the Board with an updated version of the application for a Bryan-Bennett Library Card. The revised form was streamlined and eliminated an obsolete section requesting a name and contact information for a reference. The reference checkj protocol had not been followed for a few decades at Bryan-Bennett Library. Board members were receptive to the revised form and okayed its use.
Board Members’ Reports:All items of concern had already been addressed earlier in the meeting. No reports were presented.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lynn Larimer
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Secretary