February 1, 2022, Personnel Committee special meeting
Bryan-Bennett Library Board Personnel Committee Special Meeting
February 1, 2022, 6:18 p.m. in the Board Room
The Personnel Committee Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Joyce Raver. Those present were Joyce Raver, Jack McGuire, and Jane Gaston. Jack McGuire made a motion to go into closed session concerning personnel 5 ILCS 120/2 C1 and was seconded by Jane Gaston. Motion carried. The Committee went into closed session at 6:19.
A motion to enter open session by Joyce Raver was made and seconded by Jack McGuire. Motion carried. The committee entered open session at 6:50. A motion was made by Mack McGuire for Chairperson Raver to make a recommendation on behalf of the Personnel Committee for salary for Director Keller and Assistant Director for the fiscal year of 2022w to the Library Board of Directors at the February meeting. The motion was seconded by Joyce Raver. Motion carried. A motion to approve the minutes of the Personnel Committee of February 1, 29022, was made by Jack McGuire. Motion was seconded by Joyce Raver. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Raver at 6:55.
Submitted by,
Jane Gaston
Board of Trustees