May 17, 2022, Regular Full Board Meeting
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
May 17, 2022, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room
Call to Order and Roll Call of Trustees
President Gaston called the regular monthly library board meeting to order at 6:47 pm with the following trustees present: Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Gary Hahn, Lynn Larimer, and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustees Jack McGuire and Joyce Raver were absent. Also in attendance were: Mike Nelms from Lazerware, City Manager Rex Barbee, and Library Director Kim Keller.
Public Comment – There was no public comment.
Lazerware Update
Mike Nelms from Lazerware told the Board about a rate increase for antivirus services that will happen in June and July. In June, staff computers will be assessed an additional fee of $6 each, totaling $30 more each month. In July, the 4 patron computers will be assessed $2 each, totaling $8 more each month.
Mr. Nelms said that Lazerware discontinued use of the Kaspersky Antivirus software, which was used on area library computers for more than a decade. Lazerware has now deployed a hybrid solution for protecting Bryan-Bennett computers and computers throughout its service territory. This solution includes: Microsoft Defender for all systems; Huntress Labs software for staff computers; and existing Automate software for patron computers. Microsoft Defender is the antivirus and malware protection software. Huntress Labs software is used to monitor, enhance, extend protection and manager Microsoft Defender. Automate software is used as basic management.
Mr. Nelms also described the variety of IT services that Lazerware provides to Bryan-Bennett. It was noted that Lazerware services most of the libraries in this region.
City Manager discussed bookkeeping practice
City Manager Rex Barbee discussed the possibility of having City Hall bookkeeping staff write checks for Bryan-Bennett Library, instead of having a Library employee write Bryan-Bennett checks and maintain Bryan-Bennett’s financials on Quickbooks. This topic was addressed in the City’s audit in 2021, said Mr. Barbee. Board President Jane Gaston indicated that the Board would consider Mr. Barbee’s suggestions. No decision was made.
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the April 19, 2022, Full Board meeting were reviewed. A motion by Trustee Dolbeare to approve the minutes was seconded by Trustee Hahn. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Board reviewed the bills for May 2022. Trustee Hahn moved to approve the bills, which totaled $17,041.06. Trustee Wilkerson seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, all present approved.
The Board reviewed the May Financial and Asset Reports. Upon a motion by Trustee Wilkerson, with a second by Trustee Larimer, the reports were approved.
Committee Reports
Finance – No Report.
Policy – No Report.
Personnel – No Report.
Building and Grounds
Roof Project – Trustee Hahn updated the Board about the Roof Project. Mr. Hahn reported that Architect Kale Calvert of ADG from Mt. Carmel had finished the project manual. He gave Director Keller a copy of the manual for the Library’s file and said he would deliver one copy of the manual to City Hall. He discussed the pre-bid meeting, which would be set for early June and said that bids could possibly be opened in June.
Board Treasurer Wilkerson was asked to set up the electronic transfer of funds from Peoples State Bank to Marion County Savings Bank, when bills for the project needed to be paid.
New Business
Selection of Board officers for the 2022-2023 term
The Board proposed the following slate of officers: President Jane Gaston, Vice President Joyce Raver, Secretary Lynn Larimer, Treasurer Gayla Wilkerson, and Ethics Officer Jack McGuire. A motion to approve the slate by Trustee Dolbeare was seconded by Trustee Hahn. A roll call vote was conducted. All trustees approved.
Board’s annual request for taxes payable in 2022
The Board discussed its annual request for property taxes, which are payable in 2022. The Bryan-Bennett Trustees formally requested a property tax levy equal to 0.15% for Library operations and equal to 0.02% for the Library building. Furthermore, the Library asked for a levy at $10,900 for IMRF and $9,600 for Social Security. Bryan-Bennett also requested $50,000 of sales tax revenue and $11,180 of Personal Property Replacement Tax revenue. A motion to approve the tax levy request was made by Trustee Hahn, with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried unanimously.
Non-Resident Card Program
Board members approved continuing the program that offers Non-Resident Library Cards at an annual fee of $55. A motion, to approve the program and the $55 fee, by Trustee Dolbeare was seconded by Trustee Hahn. The motion carried unanimously in a roll call vote.
Annual Report
Director Keller presented the Board with the Illinois Public Library Annual Report that will be filed with the Illinois State Library and the City of Salem.
Unfinished Business – No issues were discussed.
Director’s Report
Director Keller discussed the staffing changes with the retirement of current Assistant Director Kim Baldridge.
The Director reported that the company who services the Library’s HVAC units, Booher’s Tin Shop, has ordered replacements for 2 units that are not operational. Booher’s advised that the units may not arrive until July, August or even September.
Public Works Director Annette Brushwitz agreed to have Public Works crews flush the hydrants on the Library Building in an attempt to rid the facility of the brown water issue. If this does not work, Brushwitz advised that they Library may look at installing a filter inside the building, close to the line feeding the water fountain.
The Director presented a summary of programs that were scheduled earlier this summer.
Board Members’ Reports
The Trustees discussed the 2 open Board seats and possible candidates who could fill those seats.
A motion by Trustee Dolbeare, with a second by Trustee Larimer, to adjourn the meeting was approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lynn Larimer, Board Secretary