Bryan-Bennett Library

February 18, 2020

Bryan-Bennett Library

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2020

Call to order

President Jane Gaston called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 6:34 pm with the following trustees present: Jane Gaston, Lynn Larimer, Joyce Raver, Gayla Wilkerson, and Ann Wilzbach. Trustee Ed Dolbeare arrived at 6:55 pm. Trustees Tom Champion and Jack McGuire were absent. Also in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Library Director Kim Baldridge. There were no visitors.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the January 2020 meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

Treasurer’s Report

The bills for February 2020 totaling $14,346.12 were examined and approved on a motion by Trustee Wilkerson with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

The treasurer’s report for February 2020 was presented. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Trustee Larimer with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

Committee Reports

No committee reports at this time.

New Business

No new business at this time.

Unfinished Business

  1. Room Rental Agreement Update: Director Keller followed up on a question from last month concerning the city’s policy of proof of insurance when renting City Facilities. She spoke with City Clerk Bev West who explained that at City Facilities where City staff will be present, no proof of insurance is required. Proof is required only if no city staff will be present. After a brief discussion, a motion was made to include under Number 6, after the first sentence “Additional insurance maybe required at the discretion of the library board” by Trustee Larimer with a second by Trustee WIlzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

Director’s Report

Matt Meacham of Illinois Humanities has asked if the State department may hold one of their public programs at Bryan-Bennett Library in 2021. Director Keller told him we’d be pleased to work with him.

Director Keller reported on the following grants:

  • FY21 Penny Severns Family Literacy-The application is lengthy and somewhat complicated. There is not enough time to put it together for FY21. She will try to get an application in for the FY22 funding cycle.
  • She looked at the Illinois State Library Adult Volunteer Literacy Grant application. One major hurdle of this application is figuring out recruitment of participants.
  • She received confirmation that FCC Form 498 was approved. This was a requirement for the E-Rate Grants.
  • She filed the FCC Form 470 for the Year 2020 E-Rate Grant program. This essentially opens up the application process for the 2020 year. This means that BBL has applications open for 2 years with the E-Rate Program: for Year 2019 and 2020.
  • She will attend in Flora on March 11 a workshop on preparation of the Form 471.
  • Phase 2 of the Illinois Humanities application will be prepared soon.
  • Our application to start a STEM program, funded by a State Farm Good Neighbor grants was not accepted. This was due to the high number of applications that were received.
  • She will prepare an application for a Project Next Generation Grant through the State Library after the Voices and Votes application in completed.
  • BBL’s Construction Grant application will be reviewed on March 19.

The Per Capita award in the amount of $9,356.25 has arrived and has been deposited.

Maintenance person Bryan Magnon’s last day was February 13. New Maintenance person Curtis Holtslaw will start on February 24. He will work 12 hours per week.

McIntosh Roofing will inspect the library’s roof on February 19.

Statements of Economic interest were filed for all of the current Board members, except for Jane Gaston and Jack McGuire.

A copy of the Library’s February newsletter was included in the board packet.

IMRF will be meeting with prospective municipal retirees on March 4 here at BBL.

Election Judge training will also be held at BBL on March 9.

A local group of engineers held Math Counts at the library on February 4. Thirty-eight youths participated.

Included in board packets this month is a projection of the fiscal year-end amounts, as well as a proposed Amended FY20 Budget, a personnel expense projection for FY21 and a draft of the FY21 Budget.

Board Members’ Reports

Trustee Dolbeare would like to see a line-item for roof repair on the proposed budget.

Director Keller reported on a follow-up to the suggestion of using Chrome Books. She checked with Lazerware and they do not recommend Chrome Books due to security concerns. President Gaston then requested Director Keller to check with other libraries as to Chrome Books or other laptops that they may use and any problems involved with their use.

President Gaston reported on a suggestion she received about placing small bookshelves with some books in public places like hotels or nursing homes. These books would be free to use with a donation jar available for anyone wanting to donate. These would be older books no longer in use by the library. Director Keller will look into the logistics of this and report back at a later time.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Wilkerson with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present agreed. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Ann Wilzbach                                                                                                                                                                   BBL Board Secretary