July 16, 2019
Bryan-Bennett Library
Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2019
Call to order
Prior to the board meeting, Salem City Clerk Bev Quinn swore in new board member Ed Dolbeare. He was welcomed and introduced to the rest of the board by President Gaston.
President Jane Gaston called the regular monthly library board meeting to order at 6:38 PM with the following trustees present: Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Jack McGuire, Jane Mordecai, Joyce Raver and Ann Wilzbach. Also in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller and Library Assistant Director Kim Baldridge. Trustees Tom Champion, Lynn Larimore and Gayla Wilkerson were absent. There were no visitors.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the June 2019 board meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee McGuire. All present approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report for July 2019 was presented. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee McGuire. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
The asset report for July 2019 was approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Mordecai. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
The bills for July 2019 totaling $15, 755.49 were examined and approved on a motion by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee Raver. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
Committee Reports
No committee reports at this time.
New Business
- Parking Lot Sealing Bid-A motion of accept the bid from Jax Asphalt Company from bids taken in February 2019 to prepare, seal and re-stripe the north and south parking lots in the amount of $5,014.00 was made by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
- Parking Lot Safety Delineators-Director Keller presented 3 options for parking lot safety delineators to the board. After a discussion, the board chose option 1. A motion to choose Option 1 (delineator posts with traffic cone bar) without the LED lights, color to be orange, with Trustees Raver and McGuire to measure the area and determine how many to purchase was made by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
- Shelving Quote-Director Keller presented the board with quotes for book shelves from The Library Store. After a discussion on what height to purchase, a motion was made by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Wilzbach to purchase nine 66 inch tall black shelves with the cost to be no more than $5,768.24 The funds for this will come from the Robert Hahn Memorial, the Gladys Williams Memorial, and the grant from Modern Woodmen of America. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
Unfinished Business
- Room Rental/Usage Agreement review-Board Members looked over room rental/usage agreements from various other libraries that Director Keller had given them last month. A motion to table the issue until a future date when all board members could be present was made by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Mordecai. All present agreed.
Director’s Report
Director Keller reported she had 12 applications for the 10 hours per week circulation clerk’s position. She has hired Mike Waller who will begin work later this week.
Program Director Kay Pullium has turned in her resignation stating she wants to fully retired now. Her last day will be July 23, 2019.
Circulation Clerk Karen Shanafelt is interested in the position. She has an Associate’s degree in teacher prep from Kaskaskia College and a Bachelor’s (Board of Trustees) degree in early childhood/elementary education from Eastern Illinois University. Director Keller would like her to continue as a circulation clerk (13 hours per week instead of 15 hours per week) as well as the program director (15 hours per week). This would give her 28 hours per week. The remaining two hours per week from her circulation clerk position could then be used for other circulation clerks when the need arises. This would not affect the salaries as the time is already budgeted. However, it would add another employee to IMRF. She presented projected costs of this. Director Keller was asking for the board’s approval. The board had no objection to Ms. Shanafelt as the program director. However, there were concerns about the future cost of IMRF as the minimum wage increases over the next few years. The board instructed Director Keller to put IMRF on the agenda for next month and they will discuss it more fully then. Meanwhile, she is to continue to interview for a circulation position to replace Ms. Shanafelt, if the board decides next month to only allow her to do only one position.
Following up on a suggestion from last month to use a chain as a deterrent on the roof ladder, Director Keller checked with the city manager, the city public works director and the police chief. There were concerns about potential liability for the Library if a trespasser was injured. Public Works Director John Pruden suggested that his crew could remove the ladder. The city has a bucket truck that could be used any time access is needed to the roof. Director Keller asked for the board’s permission to remove the ladder. The board had a concern about after hour access since the library is open later than the city’s work schedule. Director Keller will check on after hour access to the bucket truck and report back next month.
The Summer Reading Party on July 2 was attended by approximately 200 people, Elsenpeter Marionettes on July 9 was attended by 29 people and Summer Reading Story Times average 10 to 15 youths.
Liz Hagar from the Secretary of State’s office met a colleague at BBL to work on some legislation utilizing the board room. Also utilizing the board room this week was the Prairie Council on Aging to conduct interviews for a senior ombudsman.
A BBL staff meeting was held on July 9.
Circulation Clerk Shanafelt attended barcode training at the Heartland Library System on June 20.
Two air conditioning units were discovered to be out last week, one that cools Genealogy and one that cools the east hallway. The Genealogy unit has a fan motor issue and the Hallway unit has an electrical issue. Repairman has ordered parts and will install as soon as they arrive.
There also have been some WiFI issues. Both the programs computer and the assistant director’s computer have been affected.
The circulation desk phone was out for a portion of last Thursday.
Alpha & Omega Construction will inspect the roof on Wednesday of this week.
Board Members’ Report
Trustee Raver requested that Custodian Watkins be reminded to dead head the yellow rose bush and to remove the vines growing up in it and in the hostas.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee McGuire. All present agreed. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Wilzbach BBL Board Secretary