Bryan-Bennett Library

October 17, 2017

Bryan-Bennett Library

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2017

Call to order

President Jane Gaston called the regular monthly library board meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. with the following trustees present: Tom Champion, Jane Gaston, Joyce Hahn, Lynn Larimer, Jane Mordecai, Joyce Raver and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustee Jack McGuire arrived at 6:35 p.m. Trustee Ann Wilzbach was absent. Also in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Library Director Kim Baldridge. There were no visitors.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the September 26, 2017, meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Hahn with a second by Trustee Raver. All present approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Approval of the October financial reports was tabled until next month.  Due to time constraints, Assistant Director Baldridge did not have the checking account hand-balanced, only computer balanced.  President Gaston, Vice President Raver and Treasurer Hahn had been in twice in September to look at the QuickBooks Programs and felt that it was inaccurate. Therefore, they felt it would be better to wait until the checking account was hand-balanced before approving the October financial reports. President Gaston, Vice President Raver and Treasurer Hahn will make an appointment  with Assistant Director Baldridge next week in to come in and hand-balance the account themselves. Director Keller suggested that City Finance Director Keli Barrow sit in on the meeting. President Gaston felt it was not necessary. All present agreed to table the October financial reports.

The bills list for October 2017 totaling $14,812.55 was examined. This amount included a late arriving bill for $10.00 from Illinois Heartland Library System for line item 214-00 Professional Services: Cataloging, check number 11568. A change to the line item number under Wal-Mart Community, Building Maintenance from 321-00 to 312-00 was made. A motion to approve the bills list with changes was made by Trustee Wilkerson with a second by Trustee Hahn. All voted “yes” on roll call.

Committee Reports

The only committee reporting was the Ad Hoc Remodeling Committee. They report that they are in the process of selecting artwork from a local artist.

Unfinished Business

A.      Payment of December bills-In September, President Gaston and Treasurer Hahn indicated that they would like to see a procedural change in the way December bills are paid. There is no board meeting in December. Director Keller requested clearer instructions on how to proceed with this. General consensus was a bills list should be e-mail to board members except to the three (Jane Gaston, Joyce Hahn and Jane Mordecai) who prefer to have things mailed to them. Each board member would then e-mail back the date and the amount of the bills list to indicate their approval. Those who have the list mailed to them will sign and date it then mail it back. Once all are received, Treasurer Hahn will then sign the checks.


B.      Exterminator-Director Keller reported a problem with scheduling with the current exterminator Terminix. After a brief discussion, the board decided that Trustee Champion will talk with Brad Mabrey owner of the local Terminix office in regards to the problem. If Trustee Champion reports that the problem has been resolved, then Terminix will retain their contract with the library. A motion to renew the yearly contract in the amount of $698.40 with Terminix if scheduling problem are worked out was made by Trustee Hahn with a second by Trustee McGuire. All present voted “yes” on roll call.


C.      Closing Library early on November 22, 2017-This is the day before Thanksgiving and for the last two years the library has closed at 3 p.m. Director Keller was seeking permission to continue this practice. All present agreed.


D.      Per Capita Grant Application Requirements-Director Keller discussed the requirements for a second time, with the board. Two board members, President Gaston and Trustee Wilkerson, have already completed viewing two webinars about violence prevention in the library. Director Keller will e-mail links to the Trustee Facts File so that Board members can review the chapters required in this year’s Per Capita Grant Application.


Director’s Report

Representatives of Wabash Communications visited the library on October 12. They will be updating their technology. When this is complete, our Cisco phone system will be unsupported. They will work up a proposal for a replacement system.

Salem City Council passed the resolution to levy .02 percent Property Tax for Tax Year 2017, payable in 2018. Revenue from this tax is estimated at $15,639.64, prior to the application of Tax Caps. Other estimates for the Library for Tax Year 2017 are $125,117.15 for general Library tax and $8,070.82 for Property Tax Social Security. These totals are before the application of Tax Caps.

The Library has received the second payment of Tax Year 2016 revenue.

Director Keller updated the board on recent and upcoming programs and activities at the library. They are as follows:

·         Roger Peach, a former Salem Times-Commoner reporter, will hold a book signing here on Thursday, October 26, from 6 to 7:30 pm. He will be signing his book, Swamper Tales: the Life and Times of a Fair Circuit Cowboy.

·         BBL won State Representative John Calvaletto’s Summer Reading Program contest. A pizza party was held for all participants on September 21.

·         Preschool Story Time on October 6 featured guest reader Cindy Dice.

·         This Friday, October 20 there will be a Lapsit Story Time at 10 o’clock with featured guest reader Sue Alikonis.

·         F.O.B.B.L. held their fall meeting on September 21 with Keri Randall presenting a program on essential oils.

·         Little Egypt Festival Committee held its pre-parade meeting here on September 28.

·         ADK held their Founder’s Day Celebration here on October 10.

·         Pumpkin Fun will be on October 21.

·         Family Reading Night Unplugged will be on October 24 at 6 p.m. Musical artist and storyteller Mike Anderson will present “Spooky Song & Stories.”

·         The Library will hold a Holiday Reception on December 7 from 5 to 7 p.m.

·         The Library will hold a Holiday Luncheon for Seniors on December 14 at noon. Reservations will be required to attend this.

Library staff are weeding and shifting the Non-Fiction collection.

A Public Works Crew replaced the broken parking stop in the library’s parking lot the day after it was reported broken to them.

Director Keller also presented a written report on contingency hours that have been used thus far this fiscal year. The board may look over this at their leisure.

Board Members’ Reports

President Gaston asked Director Keller if the addition of ALA under the line item of 317-00 Memberships was added after the budget was approved. It was. President Gaston requested that nothing be added to line items after budget approval.

Vice President Raver stated that janitorial supplies seem to be averaging $166 per month. She felt that was too much. Director Keller explained that various supplies are order as needed and usually the amount ordered will last a year.

President Gaston asked Director Keller to check into the total spent to keep the Keurig coffee pot on offer. This includes K-cups and creamer as well as coffee cups, stirrers, napkins and water. 

President Gaston stated that she felt the library should offer Preschool Story Time twice a month and Lapsit Story Time twice a month and that the Programming Assistant should read some of the stories herself.  Director Keller will discuss this with the Programming Assistant.

President Gaston asked if the lady who had fallen on the broken parking stop had presented the City with a doctor’s bill. Director Keller has heard nothing that was not previously reported to the board about the situation.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Hahn with a second by Trustee Larimer. All agreed. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,


Gayla Wilkerson                                                                                                                                                        BBL Board Secretary