Bryan-Bennett Library

Board Minutes August 15, 2017

Bryan-Bennett Library

Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

August 15, 2017


Call to order

President Gaston called the regular monthly board meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. with the following trustees present: Tom Champion, Jane Gaston, Lynn Larimer, Jane Mordecai, Joyce Raver and Gayla Wilkerson. Trustees Joyce Hahn, Jack McGuire and Ann Wilzbach were absent. Also in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Library Director Kim Baldridge. There were no visitors.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the July 18, 2017, meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Mordecai. All present approved.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s report for August 2017 was presented and approved on a motion by Trustee Wilkerson with a second by Trustee Larimer. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

The bills for August 2017 were presented with a correction to the line item of Center Point Large Print. Check number changes to 11521 and the amount changes to $86.88. This in turn changes the total bills to $16,755.61. A motion to approve the bills for August 2017 with the changes was made by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Mordecai. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

A motion to transfer $16,000.00 from the Money Market account into the Checking account for the purpose of paying the August 2017 bills was made by Trustee Larimer with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

Committee Reports

No committee reports at this time.

New Business

A.      Annual request for property tax levy-A motion to accept and present to city hall the property tax levy letter presented by Director Keller was made by Trustee Mordecai with a second by Trustee Champion. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

B.      Holidays in 2018-A motion to close the library for the following holidays in 2018 was made by Trustee Wilkerson with a second by Trustee Larimer. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

·         New Year’s Day, Monday, January 1

·         President’s Day, Monday, February 19

·         Good Friday, Friday, March 30

·         Memorial Day, Monday, May 28

·         Independence Day, Wednesday, July 4

·         Labor Day, Monday, September 3

·         Veterans Day, Saturday, November 10

·         Thanksgiving Holiday, Thursday, November 22, Friday, November 23

·         Christmas Holiday, Monday, December 24, Tuesday, December 25, Wednesday, December 26

C.      Renewing Movie License-Director Keller inquired about renewing the library’s movie license to be used for Programming.  After a brief discussion, the board decided to not renew the movie license as they felt this need in the community was being taken care of by the Salem Community Theatre.

D.      Per Capita Grant Application Requirements-Director Keller informed the board that each year as part of the application process, the Board and employees are required to address special issues of policy and procedure. This year’s focus is on safety. Staff will be watching videos to meet this requirement and Director Keller will e-mail details to the board so they can comply. Three board members will be given hard copies of the information as they prefer that method. They are Trustee Hahn, Trustee Mordecai and Trustee Gaston.

Unfinished Business

A.      Purchase of Smart Board-Trustee Wilkerson reported that she had checked on the cost of a Smart Board. It would be around $6,000.00 with discount. After a brief discussion, the board decided that a Smart Board was not an option. Purchase of a Smart TV was then discussed. The board decided that they wanted some specific ideas on how a Smart TV could be used in planning programs before deciding on the purchase of a Smart TV. Director Keller will have Program Coordinator Daniels work on this. The issue was then tabled for a later date.

Director’s Report

Apple Tree Day Care complimented the library on the Books Bingo during Summer Reading Program and suggested the same thing be offered next year.

Salem High School student Peter Huang provided 2 sessions of e-Reader tutoring for library patrons as part of earning his I-Pad hours for school. Those patrons who took advantage of this service were really appreciative.

Director Keller presented the board with a pre-view of the fall newsletter. Some confirmations of dates, times and performers still need to be made. The board then discussed what they would like to see as future programming.

An Art Group will begin meeting in the gym on Wednesday, September 6, at 11 a.m. It will meet for six weeks.

A Pumpkin Fun Day has been added on the program schedule for October. Game Day has been scheduled for every Friday beginning on October 6.

Little Egypt Festival Committee will once again use the gym for a pre-parade gathering on September 26.

Staff will undergo training on the newly installed security devices.

BBL renewed membership in the American Library Association. This will aid in continuing education opportunities.

Director Keller will be taking vacation days on August 25, 28 and 31.

Board Members’ Reports

President Gaston updated the board on the continuing problem of the east side steps and sidewalk. She met with City Manager Gruen, Public Works Director Pruden, representatives from Rhutasel & Associates, DePew & Owen Builders, Inc . and ESI about the situation last week. Solutions were discussed, cost will be determined as well as who will pay. President Gaston feels it is the City’s responsibility to correct the problem. Board members present agreed.

President Gaston passed out the list for the FY17/18 committee assignments. First person listed on each committee is the committee chairperson.  The committees are:

A.      Building and Grounds

·         Jack McGuire

·         Joyce Raver

·         Lynn Larimer

B.      Personnel

·         Joyce Raver

·         Ann Wilzbach

·         Jack McGuire

C.      Finance

·         Joyce Hahn

·         Gayla Wilkerson

·         Tom Champion

D.      Policy

·         Jane Mordecai

·         Joyce Hahn

·         Tom Champion


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. All present agreed. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Gayla Wilkerson                                                                                                                                                         BBL Board Secretary