June 16, 2020, Full Board Meeting
Bryan-Bennett Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2020
Call to order
President Gaston called the regular monthly library board meeting to order at 6:55 pm with the following trustees present: Tom Champion, Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Jack McGuire, and Ann WIlzbach. Trustees Lynn Larimer, Joyce Raver and Gayla Wilkerson were absent. Also in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Library Director Kim Baldridge. There were no visitors.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the May 2020 meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Champion. All present approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The bills for June 2020 totaling $16,990.72 were examined and approved on a motion by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee McGuire. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
The treasurer’s report for June 2020 was presented. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee Champion. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
Committee Reports
No committee reports at this time.
New Business
- Semi-annual decision regarding opening or keeping closed Executive Session Minutes-A motion to keep closed Executive Session Minutes closed was made by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee Dolbeare. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
- Selection of Board Officers for Fiscal Year 2021-A motion for board officers to remain the same for FY 21 as they were for FY 20 was made by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Champion. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
- Should the Non-resident Card expiration dates be extended due to the COVID-19 shut-down-After a brief discussion, the board decided to extend all Non-resident Card expiration dates for two months.
- CDS Office Technologies proposal for replacement Copier-After looking over the proposal, the board decided to have Director Keller to invite the representative of the company to July’s board meeting to answer the many questions that they had. They also requested that any new proposal the representative brings not expire until August to give them ample time to make a decision.
- Should the patron who caused a disturbance at the Library on June 1 and threatened library staff be banned-After discussion of the incident a motion was made by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Wilzbach to ban the patron for one year (June 16, 2020 to June 16, 2021) from any property owned by the library. All present voted “yes” on roll call. Director Keller was directed to send the patron a certified letter informing them of this action.
Unfinished Business
- Proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Budget-This was tabled until next month.
Director’s Report
Director Keller reported that the Construction Grant contract had been signed and returned. The grant is in the amount of $35,000.00 and will be used to fund the gym remodel.
The Library was notified that the FY20 Per Capita Grant had been awarded to BBL in the amount of $9,356.
Director Keller gave a brief account of the Memorial Fund contents.
Board President Jane Gaston and Board Vice President Joyce Raver have completed the annual planting of flowers at the library.
Program Director Shanafelt is coordinating online story times to begin in July. She is also working on this year’s reading challenge for the Summer Reading Program. She also had put together several quick pick displays in various sections of the library.
Assistant Director Baldridge is working on 2 ½ months worth of new books, prepping them to be available in the collection.
On re-opening day of June 1, 355 items were returned to BBL. This included books, audios and DVDS. On June 2, 221 items were returned. Library attendance has been low since re-opening.
Board Members’ Reports
President Gaston requested Director Keller to get in contact with Circulation Clerk Ricker-Pitts to determine a definite date of return to work.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee McGuire. All present agreed. The meeting adjourned at 7:49 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Wilzbach, BBL Board Secretary