Bryan-Bennett Library

August 21, 2018, Full Board

Call to order

President Jane Gaston called the regular monthly library board meeting to order at 6:30 PM with the following trustees present: Jane Gaston, Joyce Hahn, Lynn Larimer, Jack McGuire, Jane Mordecai, Joyce Raver, and Gayla Wilkerson.  Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Library Director Kim Baldridge were also in attendance. Trustee Tom Champion and Trustee Ann Wilzbach were absent. Vistiors to the board meeting were Gary Hahn and Brent Taylor from Rhutasel and Associates Inc .

Parking lot improvements

Mr. Hahn and Mr. Taylor were introduced to the board. President Gaston then explained the parking lot improvements under discussion. After a discussion on what different types of material could be used and different options for their services, a motion was made by Trustee Hahn with a second by Trustee McGuire to allow the representatives from Rhutasel and Associates Inc to inquire on the boards’ behalf at City Hall on requirements as pertains to paving the south parking lot. All present approved.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the July 2018 meeting were approved on a motion by Trustee Mordecai with a second by Trustee Raver with the following additions/corrections:

  • Page 2, second paragraph-After a brief discussion the board instructed Director Keller to ask if the City would be willing to add our south parking lot onto their parking lot projects as regards to engineering costs only.
  • The spelling of Board Secretary Wilkerson’s name at the end of the minutes corrected from Wilkinson to Wilkerson.

All present approved.

Treasurer’ Report

The treasurer’s report for August 2018 was presented.  President Gaston expressed concern over the percentage of magazine cost reached so early in the fiscal year. She instructed Assistant Director Baldridge to prepare a report for the next board meeting listing all remaining magazines to be renewed yet this fiscal year. The board will then decide if any actions to reduce magazine subscriptions or to increase the budget for magazines need to be made. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented was made by Trustee Larimer with a second by Trustee Mordecai. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

The bills for August 2018 totaling $23,448.51 were examined and approved on a motion by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. All present voted “yes” on roll call.



Committee Reports

  1. Finance-President Gaston reported for the committee that plans to move a portion of the current Money Market account to Edward Jones in the form of two Certificate of Deposits, and to move the rest of the account to Marion County Savings Bank are under way. The committee felt these two places offered the best interest and service for the library.
  2. Policy-none at this time.
  3. Personnel-none at this time.
  4. Building and Grounds-none at this time.

New Business

  1. Creation of Program Director position-The Board will be asked to create the position and approve a job description-Director Keller presented to the board a job description of the current Program Assistant position as a starting point. After discussion of both positions, a motion by Trustee Wilkerson with a second by Trustee Raver to approve the creation of a Program Director and to use the job description of the now defunct position of Program Assistant with the following changes made under Duties and Responsibilities: eliminate number 2 entirely, change number 3 to “ Prepares attractive displays relating to programs, as assigned by the Library Director”, change number 5 to “Works with Library Director on fundraising projects that relate to programs”. All approved.
  2. Annual request to City for levy of Property Taxes payable in 2019-Director Keller presented the board with two options. One letter based on dollar amounts and one based on percentages. A motion to approve the letter based on percentages as presented by Director Keller was made by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Raver. All present voted “yes” on roll call. The board then signed the letter and Director Keller will get the signatures of those absent before forwarding to City Hall.
  3. Extension of DVD loan period-The Illinois Heartland Library System once again contacted Director Keller about changing the loan period of DVDs from 3 days to 7 days. Most libraries in the system loan for at least 7 days. BBL is only one of approximately ten in the system who still have a shorter loan period. The board all agreed to change the loan period for DVDs to 7 days.

Unfinished Business

Additional security for the roof ladder-Director Keller presented an estimate for a fixed steel cage ladder cage door for the roof ladder. After a brief discussion, the board decided to postpone making a decision on this. Trustee Raver proposed that a motion light on the shed aimed at the ladder should be tried first. A motion to purchase a motion light with Custodian Bryan installing it on the side of the shed to shine on the ladder was made by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. All present voted “yes” on roll call.


Director’s Report

The library has received its 2018 Per Capita award in the amount of $9,356.25.

The lock on the west exterior door has failed three times in the past month. Locksmith Marvin Owens has ground down the pieces he feels are causing the problems. He feels this will correct it but he gave Director Keller a name of another person to call for a second opinion as to the need to replace the locking system on the door. The board instructed Director Keller to call for a second opinion.

JAX of Mt. Vernon filled the cracks on the north parking lot on July 26.

T & S Plumbing replaced the commode in the ladies restroom as planned as well as unclogging the commode in the men’s restroom on August 16.

The WiFi has now been programmed to shut down at 10 pm and resume operation at 8 am each morning.

The library lost all Wabash services on August 16. Wabash promptly came out and corrected the problem. A fiber cable had broken.

Director Keller reported that lighting improvements by the gym doors are desperately needed to enhance building security. Included in board packets were estimates for lighting improvements for the library grounds. Director Keller felt that the proposals by Livesay Electric Service, Inc. were very affordable and she urged to the board to approve of the plans. After a discussion of the proposals, a motion to accept Option 1 & 2 from Livesay totaling $655.00 was made by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Larimer. All present voted “yes” on roll call.

The lawn mower is at Rural King for repairs. Custodian Bryan hit a piece of concrete.

The new Denny’s ribbon cutting is scheduled for September 7 at 2 pm. All board members are welcomed to attend as representatives of the library.

Director Keller attended a Southern Illinois Library Directors Meeting in Centralia on July 26.

Director Keller held a library staff meeting on August 8.

Library Director Keller and Assistant Director Baldridge participate in list serves through the Illinois Heartland Library System and the Illinois State Library on a daily basis. They monitor questions and other information from libraries that participate in this and will contribute the same when appropriate.

Kay Pullium was hired for the programs position and Cathy Holzhauser was hired for the circulation position.

Update on Programs and Building usage:

  • Dale Wagoner continues his art class on Wednesday afternoons.
  • The library’s August newsletter in now complete and included in the board packets.
  • The County Clerk scheduled 2 day-long training workshops at BBL on September 12 & 13.
  • The next meeting of the FOBBL Books Club will be September 19 at 1 pm in the library’s boardroom. The books selected for this month is “A Secret Gift” by Ted Gup.
  • Kay Pullium has started work on the fall calendar of events.
  • Two new programs in the works are an adult program for safety awareness to be held in October and a special child/grandparent story time.

Programs are being advertised in the local media, through the Chamber e-mail service, through the Library’s newsletter, through the Library’s Facebook page and on the Library’s website.  BBL also attempts to circulate information about events through Wasbash’s resources. Director Keller welcomes any other ideas to communicate with the public.

Board Members’ Reports

President Gaston in looking over a copy of the annual IPLAR report questioned the need to increase the library’s Surety Bond. Trustee Hahn felt any one who signs checks for the library should be included in the bond.  Director Keller was instructed to check into the additional costs of this.

President Gaston also questioned applying for the E-rate grant for internet. Director Keller reported that in order to do this all the library’s computers will need to be filtered.  Director Keller reported that at one time the cost was $350 per year for filtering. She was instructed to get a firm estimate on this and then the board could decide if this is something worth pursuing.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Raver with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

GaylaWilkerson                                                                                                                                                                     BBL Board Secretary