January 16, 2018
Bryan-Bennett Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2018
Call to order
President Jane Gaston called the regular monthly library board meeting to order at 6:33 PM with the following trustees present: Tom Champion, Jane Gaston, Lynn Larimer, Jack McGuire, Joyce Raver, Gayla Wilkerson and Ann Wilzbach. Trustees Joyce Hahn and Jane Mordecai were absent. Also in attendance were Library Director Kim Keller and Assistant Library Director Kim Baldridge. There were no visitors.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the November 28, 2017 meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Larimer. All present approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report for January 2018 was approved as presented by Trustee Wilkerson with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
President Gaston stated that the December 2017 bills had been approved as per the motion for this made in November.
The bills for January 2018 totaling $13,401.09 were examined and approved on a motion by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All present voted “yes’” on roll call.
A motion to transfer $12,700.00 from the Money Market account into the Checking account for the purpose of paying the January bills was made by Trustee McGuire with a second by Trustee Wilkerson. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
Committee Reports
No committee reports at this time.
New Business
A. Decision to open or keep closed session minutes closed-A motion to keep the close session minutes closed was made by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee McGuire. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
Unfinished Business
A. Update Bryan-Bennett Library Sexual Harassment Policy-After reviewing the policy and a brief discussion Trustee Champion made a motion to change the fourth paragraph to read as follows: “Any employee who believes that he or she is a victim of such harassment should immediately report the matter to the director and/or the library board president.” Trustee Wilzbach seconded the motion. All present voted “yes” on roll call. A motion was then made by Trustee Wilzbach with a second by Trustee Wilkerson to update the contact information in the policy and then adopt the updated policy. All present voted “yes” on roll call.
B. Continued discussion regarding Chapter 12, “Safety,” of Serving Our Public-The subject was once again discussed.
C. Continued discussion regarding Chapters 1-5 of the Trustee Facts File 3rd edition-The subject once again was discussed.
Director’s Report
BBL was selected to host one of the Illinois State Historical Society’s Regional Trivia Competitions. Bill Furry of the State Historical Society will be back in contact with more details after February 1. The City of Salem Historical Commission is composing a list of 20 questions about the local region which will be included in the questions for the competition.
Illinois Department of Insurance Chief of Staff Matthew Ryan held “Get Covered Illinois” hours at the library on December 6. Mr. Ryan was pleased with the turnout and with Bryan-Bennett Library.
Thirty-three people attended the Holiday Reception held at BBL on December 7. The Kaskaskia River Brass preformed and Tropical Snow served flavored coffees. Char Heskett provided the cookies served.
The Senior Luncheon held on December 14 had eighty-one people attending. Entertainment was provided by the Rusty Strings Dulcimers and Produce Plus catered the event. A good time was had by all.
The first Preschool Story Time for 2018 was held on January 5. The first Lapsit Story Time was cancelled due to inclement weather. The next Preschool Story Time is scheduled for January 19 and the next Lapsit Story Time is scheduled for January 26.
President Gaston had handed out note cards seeking program input from those attending the Senior Luncheon. Some of the suggestions were themed Tea parties, more musical entertainment groups, and informational presentations.
The 4-H Crochet Club met in the Reference Room on December 11.
Custodian/Circulation Clerk Chappell has been on medical leave since December 27. He is doing well and estimated return to work will be in 1 to 2 months.
Two applications have been submitted to date for the open program assistant’s job. Some resumes have been received on the library’s Facebook page. Those have been instructed to come in person to pick up an application. A couple more applications have been picked up but not yet returned. Director Keller will begin interviewing soon.
Kathy Overstreet, who coordinates the Library Assistant Program at Kaskaskia College, will get back in touch with Director Keller when her students have finished enough hours to be ready for an internship.
Director Keller distributed to the board the Library’s Strategic Plan 2012-2017 for discussion at a later board meeting.
Director Keller has planned to take vacation days on January 29 and 30.
Board Members’ Reports
President Gaston would like to see the library celebrate the 200th anniversary of the State of Illinois with some special events. She suggested to Director Keller to see if any of the local teachers would be willing to participate in an event that would include some kind of contest involving students. She also suggested the possibility of historical reenactments or speakers to discuss the history of Illinois. Director Keller will look into this.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Champion with a second by Trustee Wilzbach. All agreed. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gayla Wilkerson BBL Board Secretary