July 19, 2022
Bryan-Bennett Library Board of Trustees Meeting
July 19, 2022, 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room
Call to Order
Board President Jane Gaston called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Roll Call of Trustees
Trustees Present at roll call were: Jennifer Dice, Ed Dolbeare, Jane Gaston, Gary Hahn, Jack McGuire, and Joyce Raver. Trustees Lynn Larimer and Gayla Wilkerson were absent. Library Director Kim Keller was present.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Secretary’s Report
Approval of June 21, 2022, Full Board Meeting Minutes
The Board reviewed the June 21, 2022, minutes. Trustee Dolbeare made a motion to approve the minutes. Trustee Hahn seconded the motion. All present voted “yes.” The motion carried.
Approval of June 30, 2022, Special Board Meeting Minutes
The Board approved the June 30, 2022, minutes. Trustee McGuire made a motion to approve the June 30 minutes. Trustee Raver seconded the motion. All present voted “yes.” The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Payment of July 2022 Bills
The Board reviewed the July bills list. Trustee Hahn made a motion to approve the July bills, which totaled $17,295.84. Trustee McGuire seconded. Trustees Dice, Dolbeare, Gaston, Hahn, McGuire, and Raver answered “yes” in a roll call vote. Motion carried.
Financial Report for July 2022
The Board reviewed the Financial Report for July 2022. Board President Gaston corrected tallies in 3 columns on page 4 of the report. Director Keller was instructed to make the corrections and bring the report back to the Board at its August meeting. The Report was tabled.
Asset Report
The Board looked over the Asset Report for July 2022. Trustee McGuire made a motion to approve the report. Trustee Dolbeare seconded. All Trustees present answered “yes” to a roll call vote. The motion carried.
Committee Reports
There were no reports from the Finance, Policy, and Personnel committees.
Building and Grounds: Roof Project
Trustee Hahn reported that the architect sent letters rejecting all proposals submitted in the June 30, 2022, bidding process, because all bids exceeded the architect’s estimate for the project.
Trustee Hahn asked the Board for clarity of instructions to the architect, regarding revisions to the project’s scope. Board members agreed that they wanted bids for 2 options of managing the roof repairs.
Option 1: fully replace the worst section of roofing in the project and patch/seal the less damaged/aged section of the project.
Option 2: complete replacement of roof in the 2 sections involved in the project.
Trustees wanted bid documents to specify that a price escalation is only permitted for materials.
Trustees wanted to require bidders to submit invoices for all materials that are included in the proposals.
Trustee Hahn was asked to notify the project architect and inform him of the Library Board’s instructions. Trustee Hahn was also asked to update City Manager Rex Barbee regarding the project.
Replacement of 2 HVAC Units:
Board members were given a proposal from Booher’s Tin Shop, Inc. Heating and Air Conditioning of Salem for installation of 2 rooftop heating and cooling units. This proposal updates a quote approved by the Board earlier this year. In the proposal, Mr. Ray Booher stated that the revision reflects a considerable increase in the cost of the units. The Booher proposal total cost will be $20,885.
Board members agreed to consider the proposal over the next few weeks. Library Director Keller was instructed to place the proposal on the August Board agenda.
New Business
No items were discussed under this section of the agenda.
Unfinished Business
No items were discussed under this section of the agenda.
Director’s Report
Director Keller reported that patrons had requested a walking/stretch program for seniors, similar to the program that the Library hosted in May. The Board advised Ms. Keller to inquire with the City regarding any insurance requirements for that activity.
The Board suggested that the Library might be able to bring in a physical therapist or similar professional to lead the stretching activity every couple of months.
The director told the Board, the LDS Family History Center in Centralia donated one of their old microfilm/fische readers to the Marion County Genealogical. Society President Wyett Colclasure is installing 2 new belts on the machine. The Society would like for it to replace Bryan-Bennett’s microfilm reader, which is just about depleted. The Board had no objections to accepting the reader.
Ms. Keller reported, Bryan-Bennett Library has been awarded a $10,740.95 Per Capita Grant for its Fiscal Year 2022 application. This is money that will come to Bryan-Bennett in 2023. The money that Bryan-Bennett receives this year is for the Fiscal Year 2021 application.
The director reported filing the 3rd form in the Fiscal Year 2022 Erate Grant application and the 4th form in the Fiscal Year 2021 Erate Grant Application.
Ms. Keller announced, Bryan-Bennett was awarded the Chromebook Lending Grant, which will provide 4 LTE-enabled Chromebook computers that can be checked out by Library patrons. Bryan-Bennett competed with 7 other libraries from Illinois Heartland Library System for the grant. The computers will be presented at a training event at Western Illinois University on August 19, 2022.
Director Keller told the Board that they have the right to determine the lending policies for the equipment. Board members suggested that it might best if 2 units were loaned for 2 weeks and the other 2 units were loaned for 4 weeks.
The director was asked about a recent discipline issue regarding an employee. Director Keller reported, the employee was given a write-up. Board members stated that it was up to the Library Director to determine the appropriate way to address discipline issues with the staff.
Board Members’ Reports
Board President Gaston cited a recent incident in which a program presenter could not connect his laptop to the Library’s projector, because there was no cord to accommodate the connection. The director said that a cord had already been purchased.
Board members discussed plans for the newly named “May Davenport Room.” Director Keller was asked to proceed with having a picture of Miss Davenport copied and finding a company to provide the signage for the room.
With no other business before the Board, Trustee Dolbeare made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The second was by Trustee Hahn. All approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Kim Keller, Library Director